What I find so interesting so many who were devout JW's have now become basically agnostic. Am I wrong if so then what do you believe? If I'm correct why?pc
Question? Agnostic now?
by pc 7 Replies latest jw friends
The Watchtower Organization is a 'faith' destroyer and when many people get burned by a religious organization they blame God.
Outaservice (still a believer)
I was a JW for 22y. After i stepped out i made up my mind about life and so on. But i dont see myself going to an other religon or belief. I have my own :p
I think when you spend your life living in the Matrix, if you take nothing else from the experience you at least learn to question, argue, and explore EVERYTHING that is meaningful to you.
When one lets go of the 'need' to believe in God and explores the question of Gods existance with an open mind and without blind faith, there is very little chance one can come to the conclusion that there is a God.
I think those who leave JW's are spread across the spectrum in their new beliefs.
For me, I still believe in a Creator. But as far as how religions (including JW's) and the Bible presents that Creator, I think they're relying on a great deal of mythology and superstition. I don't think the Creator is like the "Jehovah" of the Hebrews that we read about in the Bible.
I guess we'll find out the real truth if and when it's important (assuming there is an afterlife).
various and sundry definitions of agnostic (yep, makes sense to me .... beyond human understanding. I am never again relying upon humans for this facet of information):
:One who believes that we cannot prove the existence or the non-existence of deity. Many agnostics believe that we cannot know anything about deity or deities at the present time, but that this could conceivably change in the future. A "hard agnostic" feels that such knowledge will always be beyond human understanding.
:a person who doubts truth of religion
: "Agnostic[ism] [CE] was coined by Professor T.H. Huxley in 1869 to describe the mental attitude of one who regarded as futile all attempts to know the reality corresponding to our ultimate scientific, philosophic, and religious ideas."
:a person who believes there is a God but he takes no personal interest in His creation. Since God takes has no interest in us, agnostics believe He could care less what we do or believe. Therefore, they believe there is no accountability for their actions or beliefs.
:A MetaPhysical Orientation toward the Divine, that stipulates that it is not possible to know anything about the Divine, including whether it exists or not.
Am I wrong if so then what do you believe? If I'm correct why?
I am not sure, so I guess that does make me agnostic. Part of me believes in god though.
Why? I was such a devout true believer, that when the WTS failed, my god died. Does that make sense? It made me question everything!!! I still am.
I'm agnostic. I think each one of us has a lot of power within themselves, and its our faith in things, whether they be in God, Jesus or ourselves, that makes things happen.