If you had an accident today and were in hospital unconscious, would your jw family members consent to you having a blood transfusion? Even if they were aware that you no longer believe and are not bound by the rules anymore would their conscience not allow them to grant the appropriate permissions and so make you take the risks of not accepting treatment?
If you had an accident................
by Gadget 5 Replies latest watchtower medical
I've asked and been told they'd respect my views, just as I'd respect theirs.
I had 'no blood transfusions ' written on my medical records so my family could'nt overrule me-and I told then about it-I guess you could do the reverse as I have now.Or you could give them my number and i'll sort them out...
I don't know about the UK, but in the US, anyone can draft a healthcare proxy detailing what medical procedures they will and won't accept. Then you designate an individual to make those decisions for you if you are unconscious. Then give a copy to that individual, an alternate, your doctor, your clinic, your hospital, your lawyer. Let your family know this document exists. Be sure to talk with your doctor as well.
franklin J
when my father embolism ruptured; the repair procedures took 14 units of blood. He survived for another 18 months.
We all had a good laugh over that one ( all of my immediate family is out of the JWs now). We did not think twice about authorizing the blood transfusion. Without it would have been a death sentence.
My wife ( never a JW) would authorize any medical procedure ( inicluding blood) for me in the event of any emergency.
I think in my death she would even donate my organs. (?) Not sure if I would have any say in that one.
chuckle, Frank ( of the "tries to be a good husband" class)
The only ones left who are JW's are my mother (too old to have a say or to be there to have one), and one aunt and cousin who live out of State. My kids and husband would do what they thought was best, and I would likely agree. I am not afraid of blood.