by Corvin 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Corvin

    In the earlier days of the WTBTS, they played hell with the medical profession and vehemently discouraged JW's or "Bible Students", if you will, from getting vaccinated. Yes, they said it was a cruel hoax on people by Satan. They said it was of black magic and blah blah blah . . . what a bunch of ignorant, arrogant, pious, self-righteous morons.

    Does anyone have any statistics regarding how many "faithful JW's" lost their lives as a direct result of heading the Society's counsel about vaccinations?


  • TD

    I can't help with statistics, but thought some might enjoy these from the 1932 and 1939 Golden Age

  • Dan-O

    Interesting stuff, amigo. As I recall from the 70s & early 80s, vaccinations were OK, so long as the vaccines were not developed thru the use of some animal's blood. For example, a vaccine developed thru eggs was OK, but one formulated thru monkey blood was not.

    Having said that, I've never had a flu shot. Mrs. O shakes her head at me every winter & dutifully goes to the doctor for hers. But oddly, I almost never get sick.

    Go figure.

    I'll probably keel over from a heart attack or lung cancer in about 10 years. Or maybe my liver will finally tell me it's had its fill.

  • badboy

    Interesting that Extreme Calvinists in Holland didn't believe in vaccination,either.

  • TD

    Like everything else about JW's, their opposition to vaccination is convoluted......

    Vaccines can be divided into two basic categories

    Pre-exposure vaccines (Poliomyelitis MMR, Varicella, Annual flu shots etc.) are precautionary. In other words, they are administered just in case you might someday be exposed to the disease in question. These types of vaccines are not derived directly from animal blood. The viral agent that forms the basis for the vaccine is usually cultured in egg. The most effective pre-exposure vaccines contain a live attenuated (weak) strain of the virus. When an attenuated strain is not available, the virus is chemically inactivated (killed) usually so that its RNA is completely destroyed and only the protein shell remains.

    Although the body?s response to a live virus will usually be stronger, either way, it will react basically the same as if it were attacked by the real thing. Over the next few weeks it will produce antibodies against the virus, giving you long-term active immunity.

    There are several ways pre-exposure vaccines have been administered. The smallpox vaccine was applied to the skin, usually high on the upper arm. The Sabin poliomyelitis vaccine (OPV) is given orally. Others are simply injected.

    Jehovah?s Witnesses retracted their earlier opposition to vaccines in general in 1952, although they continued to describe them in negative terms for years. (The Watchtower December 15, 1952 p. 764)

    However Jehovah's Witnesses continued to condemn a second type of vaccine even after 1952:

    Post-exposure vaccines are reactionary. They are administered after you have already been exposed to the disease. Suppose you step on rusty nail and its been more than five years since your last tetanus booster. Suppose you are bitten by a rabid animal. You need immediate passive immunity.

    Post-eposure vaccines contain immune-globulin, a plasma protein derived from blood. Although some common immune-globulins are produced recombinately today, formerly, the only source was some other creature that had already been exposed. It was common to use horses and other large animals, and for exotic diseases and antivenins against unusual snake and spider bites, it still is.

    The immunity provided by post-exposure vaccines is very temporary

    Jehovah's Witnesses ruled that post-exposure vaccines like the tetanus booster and the diphtheria anti-toxin were a matter of conscience in 1958. (The Watchtower, September 15, 1958 p. 575)

    When transfusion became a disfellowshipping offense in 1961, they waffled back for the next few years (1961-1963) but finally declared post-exposure vaccines to be a matter of conscience again in 1964. (The Watchtower November 15, 1964 pp. 680-683)

  • Carmel

    I can only attest to one, my older brother.


  • gumby


    There was a man by the name of William(Bill) Cetner who is now deceased. He worked at bethel and rubbed shoulders with the "big boys". He left the witnesses and campaigned against them for years. I listened to a tape in which he told an intresting story.

    He told of how the brothers who were sent to prison for declining war were put into solitary confinement for not taking a vaccine. When they were told the society had dropped that stance and they could now have a vaccination.....the brothers thought they were lying and refused. Many lost their minds he said. When these faithful brothers didn't believe what they were told about the change.....they were labeled as "leaders of the rebellion" by the society. Nice eh?

    He also told how many witnesses had a doctor put a drop of acid on their arm to make it look like a vaccine shot so the kids could attend school as they were not allowed in school without the vaccine. My mother and her 6 sisters were kicked out of school for this very thing in missouri for not taking the shot.


  • gumby


  • richard
    Interesting that Extreme Calvinists in Holland didn't believe in vaccination,either

    Some of them still don't. But for quite another reason than the former WTS ruling. They consider vaccination interference with God's plan: if God wants you to be sick or die, H(h)e has good reasons to do so. You are not supposed to meddle in H(h)is plans. Besides, Mark 16:18 and James 5:13-15 indicate that only God has the power to heal. For the same reason, some of these people do not have any form of insurance such as fire insurance. I recently heard a story of a guy who refused to wear safety belts while driving his car ...

  • Special K
    Special K

    Gee's Gumby.

    I never heard of this. Drop of acid on the arm to make it look like a vaccination.



    special K

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