Need some assistance pls =D

by dustyb 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    been awhile i know. but anyways, here it goes.

    girlfriend has a JC this friday. mom came over this morning when i was playing video games and she was getting ready to go out in her new apartment that i got her. (mom kicked her out of the house last week) g/f said, "its not like you came over and caught us having sex, we're just playing video games and getting ready to go out." so mom told the elders that we're having sex, and my girlfriend moved out to spend more time with me (which is untrue because she got kicked out of the house). disfellowshipping JC is this weekend. elders told her that she can't be seen with me alone or else she'll be instantly up for disfellowshipping, etc etc etc. what to do? i thought you couldn't be disfellowshipped if you chose not to have a chapperone, just marked. what should i tell her to do? she has a lot to take in in the next day and a half. thanks for any advice whatsoever.


  • gumby

    Ask them if they have "two or more witnesses" to the accusation. They will not judicially judge a pedophile if there are not two tell them they need two witnesses before they act on this one.


  • Wild_Thing

    Seems to me ... their own "two witnesses" rule would apply.

  • dustyb

    good idea, i don't know why i didn't think of that!

  • Scully

    Report "mom" to the elders for slandering you and your girlfriend.

    What a lying biatch. Make her pay for her slander. Shame on her.

    Love, Scully

  • Nocturne

    Dusty, man, there's nothing in this world that money can't know, just slip a twenty here and there, catch my drift?

    Seriously though, like it's been said before, if there aren't two witnesses, they can't do anything. Even if they tried to get her df'd for loose conduct (if she sleeps at your place and the two of you are alone) they still need two witnesses to prove that she spent the night at your place. But then again, we are talking about jws here, so if the elders really want to df your gf, then they will do it. Good Luck.


  • talesin


    They will probably use this to try and get her to be a good little JW girl, repent and 'tow the line'. They probly want to get her away from the 'worldly boyfriend'. It was similar for me, hon. You know, you could be a bad influence, since you love her for who she is and will not try to manipulate her into dub ways. Her mother sounds like a real whack job, what with the abusive stuff that has been going on.

    She may want to make up her mind before she goes - in or out. Do a little searching around, there have been a few threads on this lately. You may read some good suggestions of how she can deal.

    Give her a big hug from me, and here's one for you, too. I'm glad that she has you, and is not all alone in this. Tell her not to be afraid, they are only men, not really God's representatives. You guys are too young to be going through this bullshit, you should be just having fun.



  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    dusty, they use to say when you are alone with her in her or your flat that you have sex.

    Therefore they need no witnesses. That is all.

    this is not valid when you are outside anywhere..

    WTS has made its own laws.

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