something i've been thinking about the last few days....

by dustyb 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    i was sitting at one of the talks at the KH earlier last week, and the speaker said something about apostates. normally i don't listen, but that word rings in my ears when i hear it. he said apostates will tell you they love jehovah and want to do what he wants, but rejects his organization. thus they reject "jehover" if they reject his organization, which entitles them to be apostate. any biblical support on this, or is they just full of shit?

  • little witch
    little witch


    There is absolutly no biblical support for that view. The bible simply states that some will fall away and reject the GOSPEL meaning the coming of Christ, the death of Christ, and the ressurection of Christ for all people.

    Given this, the jw's are themselves apostates IMO.

  • Stefanie

    Most people here dont believe in Jehover. That statement was uneducated!

  • dustyb

    steph, i don't think you get what i was saying. well you do, but don't. i know some people here don't believe in the ALMIGHTY jehover vacuum cleaner. i was merely wanting to find scripural backup, IF ANY to their claim that if somebody rejects the organization, they reject jehover.... but if you reject jehover anyways, it don't matter =D

  • little witch
    little witch


    I beieve Stephanie was refering to what the elder said. That apostates would say they love jehovah but....

    Her point is that apostates (as so called by the wt) believe all sorts of different things running from a solid belief in jah to athiest views. They stated however that they all love jehovah.

    At any rate, you will find no scriptural back up for this non-sense. It is purely a figment of watchtower imagination.

  • rekless

    the word apostate simply means a turning away; therefore, since we have turned away from Jehovah we are apostates. The witnesses are are apostates because they have turned away fron whatever beleifs they held pior to becoming Jehovah Witnesses.

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