what have elders counseled if molester was of another religion?
child abuse
by bem 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
This may have been asked before and I read as much as time permits...
I just wonder what Jws are told to do if the molester was of another religion I am imagining they would be told to report to authorities. since it's a way to defame another religion. Do any know. How this might of been handled?
Big Tex
I would imagine that the elders would not get involved, as there would be no need (at least from their point of view) to make any type of judicial decision. As I understand the way the Witnesses use the two witness rule, it only applies to fellow JWs. But I do not have personal knowledge.
My abusers were Witnesses, as was the case of others I know. Sorry I can't give anything definitive.
In one case I am aware of, the abuser was an unbeliever (step-father) of the victim. When the elders were made aware of the abuse they instructed the victim & the victim's mother to go to the police.
Even tho' I have been in-active for awile. I was horrified that the catholics would cover up so many ugly acts. My head is still spinning to read so much about the abuse in the org. I literally listened. and I have never looked into anything "apostate". I have had internet 6 weeks. And it took three of those to have enough nerve to look up Jws. I wanted to be "theocratic" As everyone can tell that have helped me.
My personal experience is they counsel you to remain married and do not encourage you to report.
My ex was on the school he confessed to the Elders in front of me?.they were not happy with me but I told them I was calling on him?..and I did called on him?..also,I did take their advice on not divorcing right away?.BUT, I kicked him out of the house and made him rent a room some where.
To their horror I told them I would never live with their father again even if they wanted me to remain married to him.
I told them that even when my children grew up I would one day have grandchildren.
A real old school Elder came up to me in his sweet voice and said ,?Now sister you knows your husband is goin ta change. Juz let Jehovah work with him honey and lets the man come home.?
By the way, DCFS did nothing much anyway. He took some sex offenders classes and some group therapy. That?s it.
Another sister I know DCFS rang her through the ringer instead of her JW husband the abuser.
So sometimes you just can?t win.
That particular cong had 4 or more molestation cases. 2 of the Brothers actually attend that Hall.
When I was dissed those Brothers were aloud to pass the wine and bread while my children were instructed too let the plate and cup pass me by. That was my last Memorial.
Abuse is a wound that just never seems to heal... for a long time I have thought of myself as a survivor no longer a victim...I had sympathetic clucking from sis's in the cong.as sympathy. But now as I look back it was always treated as a done deal just forget it & go on so I tried to but now reading so many things to the contrary of what I thought was a "cleaner" life( can't think of another way to phrase it.) I feel so disgusted now. And sorry for so many folks and what they have suffered. Where does that leave the clean cong. theory?
Any abuse you went through was not something to just forget.
Sometimes a person needs to talk about past wounds on and off indefinitely.
People who care about you will understand this.
Sometimes old physical injuries will flare up with a simple change in weather.
It is even more so for the deeper emotional scares of the betrayal of our innocence.
{{{{{Hugz}}}} for you and for everyone here who have been through more then should ever be aloud.