My Aposta-goad of the Day

by SixofNine 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    I went to breakfast this morning with my daughter and my sister. My daughter had just been studying Mexico in her geography section, and my sister who has traveled some in Mexico was giving us some Mexico factoids. Speaking of the geography around Mexico City, she said that the mountains surrounding the city hold pollution in the basin (city) area to such an extent that living there is the equivelant of smoking two packs of cigarettes per day.

    "So, can people be disfellowshipped for living in Mexico City?" I quipped. She rolled her eyes and changed the subject quickly, likely never to give it a second's deeper thought, lol.

  • Special K
    Special K

    You gave me a real big grin when I read this.

    I think you got her on that one..

    J.W.'s should all be made to move out of the area or be disfellowshipped.

    That sounds like the right J.W. thing to do.

    Special K

  • Xena

    tisk tisk tisk....don't they know their bodies are temples not to be defiled???? Obviously not ready for the "deeper things" six....

  • shotgun

    Six that quote she gave you about the two packs of cigs a day came directly from an awake it's probably false..

    Besides....two packs a day is equivalent to one large cigar a day like J.F Rutherford smoked right up until he joined Jesus in heaven.

  • DanTheMan

    I'm glad your sister talks to you! Sounds like she's not such a Nazi JW like so many are unfortunately...

  • boa

    cute little goad

    in studying about environmental pollution being the driving force behind automotive emissions design, a stat came up that said in the Los Angeles basin, that of all the different percentages of different pollution, 1% was cigarette smoke!



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