why does everyone say that there is one true religion? i've never gotten that point since i was a little kid. i was raised in a penecostal family, so i knew some of the world, and some of JW....but every time i got around the JW's they would FORCE that they only held the truth. nobody else that i ever talked to (including the rest of my non-JW family) ever pushed the fact that christianity was true. they claimed to be christians, but didn't push the fact to listen to them only because it was true. how do you know christianity is true? how do you know that islam is true? one of the things that makes the most sense to me is Native American religions. it was basic and simple and down to the point, and they existed very well until Europeans came over. "be at one with nature". i know some of the indian traditions sound messed up, but they were just traditions. if Christianity was the true religion, why are there so many denominations and why is the bible so confusing? if its so easy, then why is it so hard to find and so hard for other people to accept? JWism has gotten me about sick of religion. i know so much old truth that are now lies, that i can't take it anymore. what is goign to happen in the next 10 years? the truth of today is goign to be the lie of tomorrow? piss on it. piss on the truth of today and the lie of tomorrow (truth according to the WTS). what i don't get is why all of these old men are so hostile about trying to control all these people. why do all of these old farts have to claim they hold all religous truth in the world??? and why do they have to make everything so damn complicated....
Views of the real true religion
by dustyb 7 Replies latest jw friends
why does everyone say that there is one true religion?
Everyone doesn't say it. Only Christians and Muslims believe that. I was not raised Christian nor Muslim and this belief never crossed my mind. When I studied World Religions, I was surprised to see that even the Jews don't teach this.
I now hate how the JW's say they have the true religion. I've been out long enough now to see how some of the other religions in my small town act. My neighbor is trying to get me to church (She's Methodist). The only thing I like about her attitude is that she doesn't claim to have the true religion. She just wants me to go to ANY church cause she's worried about me. I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't believe in God anymore. The point I'm making is this: Not all religions think they are the only ones with the truth.......The JW's have shoved that down my throat for so many years that they ruined me for life. Now I don't believe anything about any religion......I really do hate them for that.
Dusty, Son,
I don't believe there is "one" religion that is the truth. I now feel there is a relationship that some need to keep with a god. Some do it by means of religion, others without. I think in the end it is more of a personal thing. I went to a Buddist temple a few months ago. The concept there was, that all religions lead to the same place. Once you got your bearings on how to get close to a god, there's no need for religion anymore. It is a personal enlightenment with god. I thought it made some sense for those who crave a god.
At present I don't believe in a god. Less so for organized religion. It has been around for too many centuries, and look where it has gotten people today.
The litmus test is the Christ-like personality.Many persons from all walks of life have demonstrated this personality towards others, including those on this forum.It is this personality that crosses all barriers and centers on the person, not religion which centers on mass control and is restrictive.
Of cause,whether there was an actual Christ or not is not the issue.The issue is Personality.Personality that reflects a loving and compassionate disposition toward ones fellow human being is the action that once put to use prevents the harming of others in thought word and deeds.
I have to agree with Puternut - no religion is true. I would expand that to say no "path" to god is true. If you want to find truth/god you have to do the nitty-gritty work yourself and not depend on any outside authority/source - all formulaic approaches to god will keep you separate from god.
When you eliminate what is not true through your own discovery you will be left with truth (and some would call that God). -
William Penwell
I have a friend that she refers to herself as a "Charismatic Christian" and she believes they have the only truth. When I tell her I think religion is a bunch of crap her come back is that her beliefs have nothing to do with religion, although she goes to church and gives money to it.
I know the eastern religious philosophy is that all religions lead to God just different pathways to him/her.Will
Hey Dusty,
You portray my sentiments exactly. I am currently standing back and waiting for the truth to be revealed. I don't believe that anyone truly knows except for a given few. Christ foretold this, so there should be no reason to dispute it. I feel that since Christ understood that many would be stumbled, then he would obviously correct everyones thinking when he arrives. I feel that a persons heart condition is what will save them in the end..........meanwhile, all we can do is our best.
"Then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. 10 Then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and mislead many; 12 and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off. (Mathew 24:9-11)I feel that there is only one religion that this prophecy applies to, and it defies logic to me. But perhaps there is some meaning behind it all, that we cannot grasp. Still, time will only tell. Meanwhile..................be at your best. (everyone)