Wasn't there a better way to destroy the wicked than using a global flood?

by truthseeker 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truthseeker

    I've often wondered, what was the real pupose of the Global Deluge? What did it achieve?

    Surely Jehovah could just as easily have destroyed the Nephilim as he did the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?

    What happened after the Flood?

    Genesis 9:20

    And now Noah started off as a farmer and proceeded to plant a vineyard. 21 And he began drinking of the wine and became intoxicated, and so he uncovered himself in the midst of his tent.22 Later, Ham the father of Canaan saw his fathers nakedness and went telling it to his two brothers outside. 23 At that Shem and Japheth took a mantle and walked in backwards. Thus, they covered their father's nakedness, while their faces were turned away, and they did not see their father's nakedness.

    24 Finally Noah awoke from his wine and got to know what his youngest son had done to him. 25 At that he said:

    "Cursed be Canaan. Let him be the lowest slave to his brothers.

    So, before even a few years had gone by, Noah had already got drunk, cursed Canaan and his offspring because his son saw him naked.

    Not so many years after that, Nimrod was born and stared another revolution.

    What exactly did the flood achieve? Or is there a more sinister reason?

    One of my ideas, and I must admit it is a little weird, is that before the deluge, all the earth was one land mass. This has been proved by geologists, Africa used to touch the continental United States.

    After the flood, you no longer had one land mass, but you had seven continents, one of them being too cold to live on, Antartica. Any thoughts on this?

    Jehovah wanted mankind to spread through out the earth, but Nimrod didn't agree, so God came down to Babel and confused everyone's lingo. eventually, they left off building the city, and did spread throughout the whole world.

    As I said, why bother with a global deluge if mankind was only going to go his own way anyway?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Thought for the day - How are people killed by a flood - of water from heaven ?

  • ball.

    It's not very imaginative really is it? For instance, if God could confuse all the languages at the time of Babel, he could far more easily have sent all the wicked people into a state of aggresive paranoid confusion causing them to kill each other.

  • blacksheep

    Yeah, I agree. Doesn't seem the most sensible way to do the job. What I really don't get is that all of the people in the world at that time, Noah and his family (just his wife)? were the only two people worth saving. Geeze, the world was obviously populated with more losers than today...

  • PopeOfEruke

    I guess he could have used Lethal Injection - but where would he put all the used syringes?


  • OHappyDay

    Saddam was not around to lend the Almighty any Weapons of Mass Destruction.

  • AlanF

    An interesting question from the Biblical standpoint, truthseeker, but one divorced from reality: there was never an earthwide flood that killed off everything.

    At most, there was a local flood in the vicinity of Mesopotamia that killed a lot of people and got turned into various flood legends. The earliest recorded legend is found on Sumerian cuneiform tablets from about 2500 B.C.

    Speculating why God destroyed mankind in a global flood is like a flat-earther speculating how astronauts orbit the earth.

    As for the continents once being all part of a single landmass, geologists have pretty good evidence that this was true, but only about 200 million years ago. They call this continent Pangea (All-Land). About that time it began splitting into northern and southern halves called Laurasia and Gondwanaland. These in turn eventually broke up and drifted apart into today's continental configuration. This has nothing whatsoever to do with Noah's Flood. You can find out a lot more on this by googling "plate tectonics".


  • Dan-O
    Jehovah wanted mankind to spread through out the earth, but Nimrod didn't agree, so God came down to Babel and confused everyone's lingo

    I never considered it from this angle before, but I guess 'free will' needs a little boost every now & then.

  • frankiespeakin


    You are getting these type of post because the flood myth has been thuroughly debated in the past.

    We have quite a few threads on this subject so you might want to look in the search and see. I think if we don't have anymore thread on this for a few weeks you might get better response. Good luck,, and best wishes.

  • Hyghlandyr


    it wouldnt be judeo fantasy would it?

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