by Corvin 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin

    I took my wife and son to see The Punisher on opening night, last Friday. I thought is was very cool. Thomas Jane was excellent (when I heard they were making Ludlum's book, The Bourne Identity into a movie, Jane was the one I thought should have played Bourne . . . I have read all of Ludlum's books). Travolta played the perfect nutjob villian once again and I enjoyed seeing him get "punished".

    Anyone else see it?

    One of the studios made a version of The Punisher starring Dolf Lungren, but it went straight to video. Has anyone seen that?


  • maybesbabies

    I haven't had a chance to see it yet, and don't know if I will. I've been a HUGE fan of the Punisher comics for a long time, and generally all the flicks they've made from comics that I like have been sub-par. I guess that's the price you pay as a fan!!!

  • ohiocowboy

    Silly me! I thought it was a movie about how the Borganization treats the flock!

  • Sassy

    We were supposed to go this weekend to both This movie and Kill Bill 2...

    unfortunately we didn't end up getting to either..

  • copsec

    I wanna see this movie. Tom Jane is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sassy, Kill Bill 2 was fantastic

  • Michael3000

    The Punisher flick that Dolf Lundgren did years ago was HORRIBLE. Rent it only if like unintentional laughter at the bad lines and even worse delivery from Dolph...

  • dh

    (removed) . sorry, didn't mean to give so much of the story away .

    i thought it was a good movie with great plot twists and john travolta was cool.

  • Corvin

    dh, did you fall down and hit your head on something?

    i like the twists in the story how that guy turns out to be gay, and how jt throws his wife off the bridge, and that big russian guy, how big was he? it was cool.

    It is probably not a good thing to give away some of the best parts of the flick to those still looking forward to seeing it.


  • dh

    .sorry, i'm stupid.

  • Corvin
    sorry, i'm stupid.

    No you are not stupid, dh. Please don't say that about yourself. That classification is reserved for preachy trolls and brownboy only.

    Just admit you fell down and hit your head on something right after you saw The Punisher. I got excited too. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

    Kind Regards,


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