All these years wasted...

by paradix 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • paradix

    It is lamentable to see like the years pass inside an organization that
    he/she goes against what says the Bible and leaving everything is so clear.
    We have meditated in because one can ignore what you leave from so far
    now and however to continue thinking that we have been making the will
    of God. ?
    Do we still think of this? We deny what we were without wondering as
    could we be it and even but, like we take to others to be this?
    I still think a lot of this. The truth, it should be interesting to know
    their experiences.

  • peterstride

    Hi Paradix,

    I'm having problems understanding what you're trying to say. I realize that english isn't your first language, but if you could try to say what you said...but using different words and perhaps elaborating a bit more, I'll be able to understand you better.

    Love & peace,

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • paradix

    hi, Peterstride.
    You are right, the prior "transmission" wasn't clear.I trust too much
    on my Powertranslator. Well, what i am tryng to say is:
    -Maybe we still read Bible, and pray and praise, even in silence.
    I do. And I think many times how different is what BIble says and what
    Society said about a lot of matters.Beyond this, what about the many
    words which are exclusive of the witnesses that not even appear on BIble, at least in the JW sense.(Pioneer, district convention, paradise on earth, type, antitype....)
    Is sad to say that we not just believe this pseudobiblical slang was
    right...we teach it to others.And not just words: it's a whole way
    of understanding God, Man and the World. A bad one, I think now.
    The question is: it's possible to see a thousand times the Bible and
    don't realize we are teaching something else?
    I have no answer to this.And most important, why we didn't understand
    the true meaning of shepherdship. Have you read or heard the way
    Raymond Franz explain this matter? It's so clear, but why it wasn't
    all these years...
    I say again: I have no answers. BUt it's interesting to think.
    The whole thing teachs a lesson. But, what is that?

  • think41self

    Hi Paradix, and welcome to the board!

    You say " The whole thing teaches a lesson, but what is it"?

    I don't really know the answer to that question, but I think a little bit of the answer might be....the lesson is to learn to always think for yourself and research a matter before you give your whole heart and mind to it. The further lessons you learn on the journey of learning are perhaps even more valuable than the end lesson?

    Never believe something just because someone, or a large group of people say it is so. Never cave to emotional pressures to accept a belief system. The decisions we make based on emotion rather than logical thinking almost always come back to hurt us. If there is a truth out there, won't it stand up to the test of thorough questioning and rational thinking? I think so. And yes, Ray Franz understood the teachings of the Bible better than any of the men who kicked him out as unworthy.( in my opinion)

    Take care, and good luck in your search for answers.


  • Cautious

    Hello Paradix, Welcome

    Sounds like you are thinking the about same things a lot on this board, including myself, are doing or have done. You said

    The whole thing teachs a lesson. But, what is that?
    I think there is more than one answer to that question.

    I have learned to enjoy the journey of life itself, not just put up with something that feels rotten because of empty promises about a reward at the end of it all. Like think41self, I have also learned that I need the be able to do my own thinking, not just accept what I am told.


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