Finally. Evolution/Creation debate resolved.
by IronGland 9 Replies latest jw friends
Sirius Dogma
ROFLMFAO That is too funny. It is almost as bad as the crap the witnesses spew.
Little Susy sounds exactly like the Baptist preacher who came to see me......guess I'm going to hell because I didn't let him save me.
And the lesson is: Ugly people are evil.
It's funny... only stupid fundie Christians claim that evolution says that humans came from monkeys or apes. I've NEVER heard an evolutionist say this. What evolution does say is that humans and apes have a common ancestor... basically a rodent mammal.
Thank you for posting this. I am actually doing a project right now on why Creationism should not be taught in schools... this might come in handy in discussing Creationist propaganda.
Ahhh, the false dichotomy rears its ugly head. On what logic would disproving Evolution (if it were disproven, but I am quite sure every claim made in such a comic could be just as reasonably refuted by science) PROVE Young-Earth Creationism? Or ANY Creationism? There are many more ideas or theories about the origin of life and mankind... Creationism is not proven by discrediting Evolution.
oy, vey.
This reminds me of NAZI propaganda against the Jews! Germans were always depicted beautifully while Jews were drawn ugly and monstrous. I guess they wouldn't use it if it didn't work!
ROFLMAO!! I love how the teacher looks like an evil witch.
If only the WTS produced crap that bad... I would have left much sooner!
I am absolutely DUMBFOUNDED!!!! This makes the Watchtower and Awake! look like top-notch publications... Even the Society acknowledged the past existence of Neanderthals, saying that they didn't look much different than modern-day humans (I think they said you could sit beside one on a bus and not be able to tell????). These comics are aimed at kids. Fear, ignorance, blind-faith... sick.