... I've asked this to other active jw's who post on the forum, and I never get a response worth listening to... so here goes, try number 1 million.
IF you're so faithful to your organization, WHY. ARE. YOU. POSTING. ON. AN. APOSTATE. WEBSITE???
Obviously you doubt your faith if you're on here. Realize two things before you pick your little brainwashed minds up and leave:
1. EVERYBODY on this board was once an ACTIVE JW, meaning we've heard the rhetoric over and over again "John 17: 3 says bla bla bla and that's why you should be a mindless robot just like the other 6 million morons in our organization..."
2. We all left for different reasons, most of them valid, and most of them are things YOUR RELIGION makes excuses for not taking care of. I've heard the argument that "The faithful and discreet slave is not perfect..." Well, they've made some pretty huge mistakes for someone who calls themselves a mediator between a large body of people and God.
Stop thinking you know better than us all, because really, you don't.
You're here for a reason, now, obviously one you wouldn't tell your elders about. Why don't you shut up and read and then post something that isn't the same crap the Watchtower shovels down your throat every damned day???
God, I hate trolls.