I remember reading a few times here that there are passages in the Bible that reference books that are no longer included in the official canon for both Protestant & Catholic denominations. Anybody have links & writeups on these passages & references? Any assistance would be appreciated greatly.
Help With Finding Quotes From Missing Bible Books...
by cypher50 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
www.earlychristianwritings.com is one. Also try www.earlyjewishwritings.com
You can start your search here: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/apo/index.htm
You want to search on the terms "Bible Canon" "Deuterocanonical Apocrypha" and "Apocrypha". It's actually fascinating what you will find. I found it interesting that the Society went right along with the bible canon that was laid out by the Harlot, false religion.