Video on "Family Secrets"

by mouthy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I sent that off to Zev on the 13th of April. For him to show you all. I sent it airmail over $8.00.

    But Zev has not received it yet. 22nd of April. I have been to Post Office again today. they said since the USA is checking everything from Canada. It could take two weeks. They dont check up on anything under $20.00

    I am so sorry I tried my best to get it out quickly.. But I guess it has to be your end the hold up is.

    Zev said he will inform me as soon as it comes.... Sorry friends.....

  • mouthy


  • Sunspot

    Grace......I ordered a tape of the "Fifth Estate" that had Holly Berry on it. A lady in FL sent it out the 29th of March and it never got here to NY until the 8th of April.....

    I couldn't believe t took so long to arrive! Hang in may just be coming in by Pony Express!



  • blondie

    Do they check the mail between Canada and the US more carefully nowadays?



  • mouthy

    Both Post Offices told me the States checks every package from Canada nowadays....

    Guess America dont trust us since we wouldnt help look for the invisable destructive weapons Eh???

    Sorry folks I tried!!!! The rest will be heard from Zez SOON I hope

  • morrisamb

    Hi Mouthy, thanks for your efforts! I have had an unbelievably positive response from viewers across Canada. It is night and day different that other stories on sexual abuse and religion and I think that is because it is a documentary, in verite style.

    A stranger in the elevator yesterday just told me, "Saw your story on tv. Very tastefully done. You had a difficult life."

    I said, "Yes, and in telling it, I just hope I can help other victims out there. Not enough has changed in 20 years!"

    "Indeed. You are right."

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