Witnesses and James 1:27

by JeffT 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JeffT

    The Watchtower loves to quote the first and last parts of this scripture, I've forgotten exactly how it reads in the NWT reads, this is from the NIV: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:...to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." I know the NWT says "without spot from the world," its one of the key scriptures they pat themselves on the back with over their neutrality. I had it drummed into my head in the seventies that this scripture meant that not participating in government in any way was a requirement from God. All those bad churches in Chistendom were violating this by supporting governments.

    But what about the middle part that they seem to ignore "to look after orphans and widows in their distress." I don't ever recall seeing an article with a title like "Looking after widows and orphans." A few years ago my wife's grandmothed died in a nursing home. We got to see her just before she died, she had alzheimers and I don't think she knew who we were. But apparently it had been months, maybe years, since anybody from the congregation had seen her. I'm guessing it was high on anybody's to do list because the time didn't "count." I've never heard of the WTBS doing anything to help orphans. There are certainly plenty of them in Africa, where the Society is very active.

    Another good example of how they cherry pick the Bible to make it say what they want.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    WEB RESULTS ZERO! We didn't find any Web pages containing "Jehovah's Witnesses charities. Results for charities : Catholic 495,000 vs. Watchtower big fat zero "0" Jesus said; "by their fruits you will know them" [Matthew 7: 15] James said;" to look after widows and orphans in their tribulation,for this is what God accepts." [ James 1:27] James didn't say anything about $elling Watchtowers

    'A picture tells a thousand words'

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