Subscription Campaign Month?

by Blueblades 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Remember this, how we use to try and get as many subscriptions to the magazines as we could for the subscription campaign month.Especially if it was the month ( week of that month ) that the circuit overseer was visiting the congregation.He would say to us,"How many of us think that they can place one magazine this morning, ( Saturday,Magazine Day ).How many can place two magazines etc.Lets all meet back here at 1pm this afternoon and count the total amount of magazines and subscrptions we did in our morning service."

    He would then divide the group up,and charge the one taking the lead in that group to keep a record of the activity for the morning.And I suppose he would repeat this to the four congregations that he would be visiting that month.

    Now I believe that the subscription campaign month is a thing of the past! It is very difficult to get the magazines when you are no longer going to the meetings.Anyone have any experiences that they would like to share about the co.and the subscription campain month that use to be.


  • blondie

    This used to disgust me. After all, the goal was to have Bible discussions with people, not to place literature. Once when asked how many magazines/subs I had placed one morning, I said that I had 3 nice Bible discussions and had been invited to come back on all 3. "Did you place anything, sister," the CO asked. "Yes, I planted a seed in the mind of each of them. I hope to go back and water it, but it's God who makes it grow. So it is a cooperative effort. We all have a part to play in finding the sheep whether we make a placement or not. Isn't our goal to talk to people, not place literature?" That ended the counting coup exercise. I got side glances from that CO after that. But I was a good regular pioneer.

    Blondie (who had actually placed 12 magazines and 2 subs)

  • Blueblades

    Blondie, if it wasn't for you and "Comments"I wouldn't know what they were studying any week at all.I enjoy reading your "Comments" every week, thank you.


  • 4JWY

    I could NEVER go in service without feeling like a salesperson. No matter how I tried to speak at the door, I knew that my "message" was coming across as a sales pitch. As much as I would try different approaches - it always happened. Also, I just did not WANT to be a teacher, and wasn't that pounded into our heads, that we are all teachers.....

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