I cannot find fault with the Watchtower's attempts to get congregations to be considerate of the elderly - that's a good thing.
However, a recent post about the elderly donating their property to the Watchtower raises a disturbing thought. Are they deliberately
skewing the organization towards the elderly?
I know of no other magazine that highlights so many pictures or photographs of elderly people- and it is very difficult to find
ANY other organization so completely dominated by elderly males. Beyond this, the organization continues to utterly ignore
the crisis it faces in losing young Witnesses. It's as if they barely care - or even notice - at all. Many Witness parents are starting
to accept the disfellowshipping/drifting away of their kids as an average circumstance - it happens to nearly everyone they know!
In addition, we have the spectacle of a scheme of doctrine that is almost completely discredited, bankrupt, disproven detail by detail
and prophecy by prophecy. Would anyone disagree that such stubborness, in the face of all reason, tends to 'mark' an organization
dominated by the very old? Near the end, the Soviet Union was utterly dominated by an unbending gerontocracy, who 'took no notice'
of the deepening failure of their way of life - and the disaffiliation of their young.
More than all this, we now see exposed what may be the strongest motivation of all - MONEY! They need to hold on to the
elderly without compromise because THIS IS WHERE THEIR DOLLARS COME FROM, whether thru direct contributions
or having property willed to them. They need their money and will 'play to this audience' , regardless of how sterile
their organization becomes.