the pupose of speeking is to comunicate. to comunicate is to exchange thoughts opinions and ideas as well as the jw favored ideals and beleaves.
this includes cuss words and references to everything and any thing repulsive. some people do not understand this. i do.
a jw starts talking to me while im smoking at a bus stop the other day because i put out one of my smokes on an awake i was siting on. he says im " de fileing my body" and " other people might want to read that some day" i say nothing and let my middle finger do the talking. he takes that as a sign im ready for the word of god and starts preaching to me about how hard the world is and i should no i have scars on my face and yada yada yada. i tell him that he should quit passing the buck( blaming satan for EVERYTHING) and understand that the world has allways benn hard and the only thing thath has changed is that now we have relaxed enough lives to be able to complain about it, them i give hime the finger. he still talks. ( the force is strong with this one)
i put forth severall "shut down words and phrases", the ones taught to me in the "church of the popular clut" ((jw's) thats what i call it) yet still he maintaind his aggressive stance. obviously he does not understand the purpose of speeking. he was just rambleing or somthing, maybe.
lastly befor he left he advised me to quit cussing as tit might offend the elderly or the youth.
i told him to go and F@%k himself.