If only those kids who pissed off Elijah had been this lucky...
by Odrade 7 Replies latest jw friends
If only those kids who pissed off Elijah had been this lucky...
ahh, he was 15 and he didn't have a record of prophet mocking, there's no way god could justify killing this one.
He is one lucky boy to have gotten away
I lived in alaska and there is alot of wildlife lots of bears.I noticed more animals there than any other place i have lived
Wow !
It always frightens me the "bear" thing. They have a page in the national park brochures about them and what to do. It basically can be summed up as:
Always, always run away from a black bear.
Never, never, rnu away from a brown bear.
Oh, brown bears may be black and black bears may be brown.
Good luck.
Living in the wilds of New Jersey as we do, we see black bears every now and again. One day, as I was turning the corner onto my street, a bear was sitting crouched by the side of the road (in a human-like sitting position, almost) just watching the cars go by. As I passed, it turned around and skittered off into the woods. I thought that was kind of cool.
My wife tells a story (from when her first husband was alive) of a day when she went out into the back yard with her 3 dogs and a bear lumbered into the yard, between her and the two shelties (the third dog, near her, was a golden retriever). She knew that if the shelties saw the bear, they'd start barking at it, and it might feel threatened and attack them. She had also heard that the way to drive off a bear is to make it think you're bigger than it is. So she started doing jumping jacks. Apparently it worked, because the bear took off into the woods, and she rounded up the dogs and got them into the house.
One day a couple of years ago, I was cooking supper when I heard a car horn honk repeatedly outside. I looked out the window to see a bear taking its time to cross the street in front of my house, and some guy in a Volkswagen honking frantically at it to get out of the way (this is still New Jersey, after all).
In another local story, a man was fined for discharging a firearm when he shot a bear that was on his porch. Apparently it had tried to get into the house through the screen door, but there was a lot of controversy over whether the bear was still trying to break into the house when the man shot it, or whether it was merely still on his porch and had turned to other interests by then. Animal rights are alive and well at a whacko level in Northern New Jersey, I'm sorry to say.
And, just a few days ago, a new reminder - there was a fresh bear track about two feet from our mailbox when we left the house one morning. I haven't met one quite face to face yet, but nothing would surprise me.
I worked with wild bears for several years and I never heard of somebody surviving a "fight" with a bear and without a weapon. That kid made history. I just hope he is not any more troubled than before.
Can you say guardian angel?
In another local story, a man was fined for discharging a firearm when he shot a bear that was on his porch. Apparently it had tried to get into the house through the screen door, but there was a lot of controversy over whether the bear was still trying to break into the house when the man shot it, or whether it was merely still on his porch and had turned to other interests by then. Animal rights are alive and well at a whacko level in Northern New Jersey,
LMAO!!! funniest thing I heard all day...
Reminds me of the coral snakes we have here, there are also harmless snakes with similar coloring....they made a rhyme to tell the difference
"Red on black, friend to Jack."
"Red on yellow, kill a fellow."
Personally I never felt comfortable enough around a snake to stand there and figure out which color touched which color...I just get the heck outta there!