I understand from my jw neighbour that he seems to think it is wrong that some clergymen should be urging their congregations not to vote for the BNP.
Should the clergy preach politics?
by badboy 7 Replies latest jw friends
I think a recent WT has the question on the cover. How about this question, should the clergy pressure people in political office regarding doctrine, e.g., abortion, and Catholic politicians?
That's the one that my jw neighbour gave to me,I have noticed that my jw neighbour gives me them only a few days before they are `published,but some people seem to have copies a few months before they are published,why that?
This puzzles me. Where are they getting this head knowledge of what the clergy are doing?
Are they sending out spies to see what clergy are doing in their [the clergy's] church?
Are they taking their information from tabloid press?
It's either here-say of press "EXCLUSIVES" type of evidence [which by the way has been thrown out on numerous occasions when it was related to WTS DIRECTLY] that such scenarios are being played out and if such cases
[as there probably are, just based on the laws of probability] do occur it would be a very small percentage.
I could hazzard a guess that there are less clergymen per quota doing that than Bethel brothers accused of unhealthy conduct down on the farm... Remember that STORY?? I can count more clergymen than Bethel brothers so I could be really close to something there??? *grin*
The example given me,he read it in a newspaper.
A few years back the pope gave the directive that priests/nuns that had been elected to political positions in the US had to step down. As far as I know they have done that. But priests/nuns vote in the US and have political opinions. Recently, some Catholic religiious leaders have been exerting pressure on Catholic elected officials to bring their personal/political position on issues such as abortion into line with the Catholic Church's official position or be refused communion.
I can remember a coworker switching to another Catholic church because the priest was preaching politics rather than Christ.
I think the priniciple is similar to the work rule where I am employed that we are not to actively discuss politics or campaign at the workplalce and that supervisors keep their political preferences private because they exert a certain amount of influence over their employees who might feel they have to agree with the supervisor on politics to protect their jobs.
I wonder, can Protestant ministers run for political office? Can they campaign for candidates?
Jerry Falwell used to,they do appear to be some Protestant ministers who do campaign for political parties.
This has always bothered me. Religion is always using the separation of church and state to keep the government out of their affairs. But the church have no problem interfering with the governments affairs. I feel this is improper. If the state is not allowed to preach or support any religious view then religion should not promote polical opinion! Maverick, who says tax all religions.