The JW box of Pandora

by beroea 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • beroea

    The JW box of Pandora

    As some of you maybe know I still inside the Borg waiting for the right moment: I try to take care of my wife and two children that a love very much and try to do things easy and gentle not harming anyone. Do you remember the story about the box of Pandora from the Greek mythology?

    I did have a funny experience the others day. I what at a JW get together with 3 families – two of the men was elder included my self and one MS. I don’t remember what started the whole mess. I think it was something about children not having the possibilities to have ice and other things at the big summer conventions. In about 10 minutes the discussions get very hot and a lot of frustrations about all the rules and binding of the JW was brought to discussion. I didn’t say much trying to see what happen.

    After 1 glass or two of the wines it all ended up into a discussion about all the broken promises and even no one dare to say it - they all blame the GB and the society as leader? One said that if something didn’t happen in 10-15 years it would collapse in total. Remember everyone was inside and very active JW and 2 of even elder too. The wife’s was I fact the most talking and angry.

    It was a little scaring (by JW terminology). It made me smiled a little bit inside. I think my wife was thinking a lot about “what was that”? She knows a lot of my thoughts but is not ready to handle and I try to show patience about that.

    I wonder what will happen next time!


  • Simon

    I think a lot of people are just going through the motions now. It's all going to come crashing down.

    You can fool some of the people some of the time.... but not forever.

  • Cautious

    This could lead to some very interesting developments Beroea. From what I remember of Pandora's Box, even though the lid went down again rather quickly, things were never the same again, were they, once it had been opened?

  • Francois

    Since the JW's entire house of cards was based on the 1914 business and that particular rug has now been jerked out from under the organization, I personally don't see how it can continue.

    All the failed prophecies of the past taken together don't even come close to the failure of this central tenant. Of course, religion being a largely emotional phenomena, I suppose there will always be hangers-on. Like the folks who kept on sending money to Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker after the fall.

    And there are still those out there who admire the Nazis.

    Ah humanity. Ain't it amusing?


    My $0.02

  • AGuest

    Remember the 'Puritans'? How 'bout the Quakers? Shakers? Uh, Congregationalists? The 'New Light' folks around the period of the 'Great Awakening'? Reverend Ike?

    Nahhh, didn't think ya'll did.

    Wishing you all peace... and popcorn for the 'show'... (hey, I have nothing AGAINST them, personally. Just want to make sure folks know they're being lied to, is all...)

    A slave of Christ,


  • Thirdson


    I met an old JW acquaintance a few months ago. He didn't know at the time that I no longer associate. I asked him how things were with him and my old congregation. He said many were depressed and unhappy and he put it dwn to the change in the "Generation" teaching. I expressed my opinions and he got the idea that I no longer believed the JW line.

    As for how long the organization can exist in its current form without collapsing cannot be longer than 12 years. Once 2014 rolls around the hundred year time period from that "momentous" year will relegate 1914 to distant history. With hardly any people left who remember the year and no old soldiers it will be too far gone to have any significance to anybody. Old classified records (what's left of them) will be made public as there will be no one left to emabarrass. Historians will tell the history and while it will be interesting, its impact in peoples lives will be as important as the Amercian Civil war is today. The further back in time it is and the least people can tell of that period from personal experience the less important it will be. For the WTS, the only date it still clings to will be ancient history and without the "generation" who cares?


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • slipnslidemaster
    will be as important as the Amercian Civil war is today. The further back in time it is and the least people can tell of that period from personal experience the less important it will be. For the WTS, the only date it still clings to will be ancient history and without the "generation" who cares?

    They will still be around for exactly that reason. No one will remember the date or the significance anymore.

    Slipnslidemaster: "You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."
    - Sacha Guitry

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