The bottom line is that they haven't got the foggiest idea.
They seem even confused about the most elemental of thing (such as the 144k).
All the Brooklyn boys seem to "know" (and I use even that term advisably) is that they are of that number, but don't seem able to put theirselves in the shoes of others, nor realise that they aren't all that special.
We can live in hope that they will either wake up, give up, or die off.
That sounds harsh, but sometimes reality is like that.
If they are my "brothers", then I have to say that they seriously bother me. It reminds me of the psuedo-Christs / psuedo-prophets that we get popping up here, from time to time. Especially the dogmatic and bigotted ones.
LT "cant judge 'em - don't know 'em" class
For my personal opinion on the subject, taking the thread title alone, the answer would be an unequivocable "yes" (regardless of doctrinal persuasion on "rapture", etc.)