144,000 Still alive after Armageddon?

by nemo 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nemo

    Does anyone know if the WBTS has reversed it's position that there would still be some of the F&DS left after Armageddon? I think they have recently, realizing that putting another timeline on there predictions was a no-no.

    Still a sister, starting to fade away...

  • heathen

    I do know they said for a long time that the "anointed" would be on earth right up thru the "great day of God almighty " , and will be transformed at that time . I do know that revelation states that the four winds of destruction are held back on account of the last remaining ones are sealed that are yet to be killed for preaching about jesus . rev.7 rev,6:9-11.

  • dustyb

    i thought that they believed that all the annointed had to die off before armageddon came. but hey, what do i know, i don't pay attention anymore

  • nemo

    The death wake in the AWAKE
    A wake in the AWAKE

    Before November 1995


    November 1995

    Why AWAKE! Is Published

    ...Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.

    Why AWAKE! Is Published ...

    Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things.

    Offer your last respects to the deceased "1914 generation" doctrine! Join the wake!

    Found the answer to my question they have changed there position drastically and there new view of the generation is that:

    Watchtower President begins to hedge in 1991:

    "But we are as strong for it as we ever were, and we are appreciating it all the more the longer we have to wait for it. It is something worth waiting for, even if it required a million years." (Watchtower Dec 15 1991 p11; late president, Fred Franz)

  • heathen

    True after the belief that the world would end in 1914 was changed to the generation of 1914 they also stated that the year 1935 was the end of the anointing . The generation of 1914 does not determine whether the anointed are still alive post tribulation and pre armageddon finale. From what I know they believe that the battle of armageddon has been raging since 1914 invisibly but will end with the destruction of all world powers on the "great day of God almighty".

  • garybuss

    Heathen, You are correct. Witness dogma has it that Armageddon started in 1914. We are now in the eye of the hurricane and they refer to a verse that says the days would be cut short or none would survive. So during this interruption of Armageddon that started in 1914, Jehovah commissioned the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation to publish the news and gather two crowds to three hopes.

    The below promise was made in 1930.

    Page 332 WATCH TOWER November 1, 1930

    Millions of people now living will be still alive on earth at that time. They are the ones called "quick" or living in 2 Timothy 4: 1, which reads: "Christ . . . shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom." Logically, then, by pursuing the divinely marked course of action these millions need never die off this earth. Speaking of world happenings since A. D. 1914, Jesus said (and his words apply to Christians living since that date) : "When ye see these things come to pass [as prophesied], know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand." (Luke 21: 31) So, inside the lifetime of the present living generation the Lord Jesus will put into effect for all mankind the value of his ransom sacrifice which he laid down for all. (1 Tim. 2: 5, 6) Hence, just as everybody has tasted of the bad results of Adam's sin, just so will everybody have the chance to taste of the eternal benefits of Christ's sacrifice for sin. Jesus will offer the life benefits of his redemptive sacrifice to the living people first.

    The publishing corporation has really played down their belief in recent times, that Armageddon already happened and the world has ended. Maybe they have abandoned this core belief like they changed our reason for going door to door . . . . it was to "vindicate" Jehovah's name. Then they decided Jehovah's name didn't even need to be vindicated anymore. And around goes the wheel. :-) GaryB

  • gumby

    The dubs have flipflopped on this idea almost as much as whether Sodom and Gommorah victims will fare or not. They taught for awhile that Jehovah would no doubt have the "bride" with the Bridegroom when Jesus would "come" at armageddon. They figured the 1000 year reign of Jesus would have the heavenly government in FULL control with all members present.

    Then.....they changed it to "there may be some who live for a short time after armageddon to arrange things. Then it went back to "earthly Princes" those of the other sheep who would govern things after the battle.

    As for the current understanding.........if I remember correctly, they aren't saying for sure. Now they simply say 'we will have to wait and see what Jehovah has in store for us'..


  • LittleToe

    The bottom line is that they haven't got the foggiest idea.

    They seem even confused about the most elemental of thing (such as the 144k).
    All the Brooklyn boys seem to "know" (and I use even that term advisably) is that they are of that number, but don't seem able to put theirselves in the shoes of others, nor realise that they aren't all that special.

    We can live in hope that they will either wake up, give up, or die off.
    That sounds harsh, but sometimes reality is like that.
    If they are my "brothers", then I have to say that they seriously bother me. It reminds me of the psuedo-Christs / psuedo-prophets that we get popping up here, from time to time. Especially the dogmatic and bigotted ones.

    LT "cant judge 'em - don't know 'em" class

    For my personal opinion on the subject, taking the thread title alone, the answer would be an unequivocable "yes" (regardless of doctrinal persuasion on "rapture", etc.)

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