Let's see if the Watchtower makes more sense when put through this thing
Before translation:
These former Christians came to be identified as the "evil slave," and Jesus punished them with "the greatest severity." How? He rejected them, and they lost out on their heavenly hope. They were not, however, immediately destroyed. They first had to endure a period of weeping and gnashing of teeth in "the darkness outside" the Christian congregation. (Matthew 8:12) Since those early days, a few other anointed individuals have shown a similar bad spirit, identifying themselves with the "evil slave." Some of the "other sheep" have imitated their unfaithfulness. (John 10:16) All such enemies of the Christ end up in the same spiritual "darkness outside."
After translation:
These previous Christians had come, like the slave of " of the "evil that is being marked; and Jesus punished with "the severity." greater; How? He rejected and he lost all'esterno in the narcotic relative hope. In nobody distrugg of the way of n'ont not immediately. They had had that to support before the returns a shout of the period and the teeth if d obscurity of "the is calm in l'outside" Christian of the meeting. (Matthew 8:12) the decree at the moment soon, something other defective individuals demonstrated oints a similar alcohol, s'identifiant with the "evil slave." Sheep" of the part of "other more; they copí he unfaithfulness that. (Juan 10:16) all the Christian of these enemies for l'alto
dell'estremità in exactly "darkness outside." mental;