The Bird and My Daughter

by simplesally 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    We have a crazy bird here! For days now, this bird has been flying into our kitchen window trying to get the cute bird to mate with him. First he was sitting on our chair on the front porch and flying into the one of the windows alongside the front door. He left his calling card on the chair and lots of feathers on the cushion......then he migrated to the back of the house and the kitchen window.

    Well, Teryn just thinks this is the funniest thing she has seen and she keeps laughing and screaming. When this first started she just stood in the entryway and did belly laughs at the bird while he was flying into the window. She says he must be getting dizzy. So, she made me hang the birdhouse in the tree this morning and we will get food this week. Little kids really help you think about simple things!!!!

  • Celia

    This must be a very lonely bird, maybe the last of its kind Seriously, What kind of bird is it ?

    I have a huge male goose (gander) who is very lonely too. He watches his reflection in my car and the chrome bumpers of the truck, spends hours standing there !

  • simplesally

    Celia, we have tons of birds in my yard. That's whats so funny is that he is in love with himself. He's even been trying to come in the house thru the screen!

  • FMZ

    Their eyes met across the yard... both turning their heads and making eye contact at the same infinitessimal moment. The moment lasted a lifetime. There she was, staring into his dark, sensual eyes. The tree she sat in was heaven itself, brought down to this earth. The wind blew slightly on them both, branch swaying a little, but still they stared. This was not only love at first sight, but lust, caring, all knowing, romance at first sight.

    He turned his head on it's side a little, to see if he was really seeing this seemingly perfect beauty. At that same second, she coyly and shyly bobbed her head to the side, flirting.

    There sat an angel in a tree, 20 feet away. He wanted to be close to her, be with her... Finally, after looking deep into each other's eyes one last time, he took flight. As if their minds were one, she took to the air at the same time. His heart skipped a beat... Time slowed...

    10 feet away, he could see celestial beauty in her eyes, constellations a million years wide.


    5 feet... the detail in her feathers was exquisite. They shone in the sun.


    1 foot away they opened their wings in perfect unison to embrace each other.


    There he was, suspended in mid air... an inch away from the love of his life. Slowly, the multiverse found it's bearings... for an instant, it had been interrupted by the purest love ever, and grandfather Time's heart had skipped a beat. Rhythm once again permeated all of Creation.

    * THUD *

  • seeitallclearlynow

    They sure do Sally - and I love the way you give us little peeks into your daughter's sweet world!

    Keep 'em coming!

  • galaxy7

    yesterday a pair of swallows flew into the greenhouse,one of them hit the window and died.

    its mate sat there on a box beside (her/him) for about an hour. it was very sad to watch

    some people think animals dont have feelings. watching this made me believe they are wrong

  • Sassy

    Its sad when birds die from hitting the window though.. I've had homes where they seems to find the livingroom picture window a lot..

    I love to see things through the eyes of a child..

    and seeing things through Teryn's eyes is extra special

  • myauntfanny
    some people think animals dont have feelings.

    I know it's considered completely daft but I'm convinced animals have feelings.

  • myauntfanny

    Corvin, I loved your little story. I laughed and I cried.

  • simplesally

    Galaxy, that's so sad!!!!

    Thanks Sassy and Seeit!!!

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