I read so much on how the godley men in their castle ( watchtower) answer peoples questions about sex, lieing, what ever it maybe ,but has anybody ever followed one of these cult leaders to see really what they do ,were they go and who they see? There are far from perfect and i wonder what they really do behind closed doors. They can dish out what they want you to do but i wonder if they follow their same answers? How do we know they don't visit women of the evening,,,,,,,,,,,,i wonder
Did you ever wonder what governingbody does really
by kls 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I was just thinking if anyone has ever done a criminal background check on these dub leaders.
i have wondered what they do, i think they must live the lives of large corporate directors, but i don't know, i think it would definitely be interesting to spy on them and document it all.
got my forty homey?
I guess like any other elitist group of men they sit around trying to think and wonder how to keep thier power and control the meaningless useless eaters of a membership they have.
According to Ray Franz (ex GB member) they spend most of their time in meetings deciding which offences should result in DFing or not.
well ,they play golf