and tried to leave me a Awake, I told her I was raised a witness and I didn't want to have any thing to do with it. As soon as she walked in it made my stomach hot. ARRRRGGGGG funny part was I had this page up I didn't even think to tell her I was reading apostate material, then she would have ran out the building.
I Witness just came into my office
by reganashe 4 Replies latest jw experiences
regan: you should've! A missed opportunity!
"We're talking to businesses in the area about the christian message..."
"Great! Hey, what's this about then? <shows a UN NGO thread>"
The few times I have been contacted at my door, I have always been really short and to the point with them. However now I would welcome the opportunity for them to call on me, There are lots of good points I could bring up to them. I have lived in an apartment complex for the past 3 years and not one single witness has shown up at my door, I have had girl scouts, newspaper peddlers, political party people, even Baptists at my door, I still have yet to see the witnesses in my neighborhood. Anyway if they ever do come, do y'all think I should let them know i have witness family and was raised a witness or should i just play the part of the naieve householder?
If you want them to leave tell them you were raised and have no intrest if you plan on playing with them then you have to play dumb
I could always say"I have some relatives in that religion and I have done extensive research on it" and then present my issues to them. I was never baptised so technically I could answer "no" if they ask if i was a witness. This whole scenario has been going through my head alot lately, and trying to figure out the most effective way to reach witnesses if they ever call on me