I really don't want or need them for friends anyway

by Sadie5 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sadie5

    Hi All,

    Just dropping in for a short visit. the last couple of weeks I have run into quite a few witnesses at Wal-mart where I work. Most of them talk to me, in fact one asked for my help yesterday in picking out some clothes, she had just had a masectomy and needed some new blouses.

    It was right after that I ran (almost litereally) into another one this one I usually just see from a distance so didn't know if she saw me or not before this but here we were standing face to face. I had just walked around a very tall rack and we almost bumped into each other. My reaction was to say hello, I try to greet all customers, it's part of my job. The look on her face was priceless. She was stone faced, no expression and seemed like she was just looking right through me. No verbal response at all. I quickly walked away, with just a bit of anger swelling up inside me. "That Bitch" was all I could think of. I had to put away several items while she was in my department and we kept crossing each other's paths. She always had that cold stone face whenever she saw me. I am not DF or DA, just a fader.

    This woman is the wife of an elder. She wears the pants in the family, was always telling her husband what to do, volunteering him for parts and stuff. She has also been in and out too, she has problems with fornication and was DF for a time. This was prior to her husband becoming elder. Also there were times when they were broke and my husband and I would help them out. My husband worked on their car almost on a weekly basis for free. She would call whenever their washer or any other appliance would break down and my husband would fix it for nothing.

    And so now she doesn't want to even say hello to me because I don't go to meetings. Fine, who needs her kind for a friend anyway? She is nothing more than a user. Use people and throw them away.

    I have found other people to be friends, and they are good people who appreciate me for who I really am.

    Sadie(just venting)

  • Sassy

    this is one of those perfect examples of ..

    Where is the love? the indentifying mark?

  • blondie

    Don't you feel the love, Sadie5!?

    You find out who your real friends are.


  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    Hi Sadie,

    My girlfriend also works at a Wal-Mart Super Center in the shoe department. You must be in "softlines". If the book she's writing, "Candles of Light", takes off I think she will take a big dump in "Action Alley" and get the hell out of there.

    I think "venting" is good and we have been treated the same way. Remember, Gimmy, Gimmy got his neck broke!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Jesus talked kindly and warmly even to the Samaritans, who were considered apostates by God's 'spirit directed organization' of that time.

    What Jehovah's Witnesses do, speaks so loud I can't hear what they're saying . . . .

  • itsallgoodnow

    Ah, the silent treatment. Truly the weapon of the desperate and powerless. You're right, you don't need friendship with those strings attached.

  • Purza

    Ah yes - the silent treatment. I am well aware of that. I like to think of it as mental abuse. Sorry you had to go through that -- but would you really want to talk to her anyway? She seems a bit like a control freak.


  • myauntfanny

    That's truly nasty, when you were in a position where you had to be polite to her. I feel angry just hearing the story. But when JWs act like that, I just think, oh well, they punish themselves every minute of the day with a religion that makes them miserable. Then I feel better because whatever they did to me, at least I don't have to be a JW any more.


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