Well, it took me 24 hours to make up my mind after I posted the board for help at this thread:
The people who answered my post provided me with the expeineced advice I needed and I thank you all. I chose to give it a shot for more or less the matter of my own conscience and my love for her. My mother and I disputed the WTS's teachings and it was like a cock fight with 2" gaffs tied to the legs and the roosters pumped with cocaine. This is what I wrote:
Hello Jenny, AKA J.J.,
I suppose you're wondering how I got your E-mail address. I intercepted it through a "thread" that Tammybug wrote.
I am just checking in to see if all is well and how you are handeling the loss of Mom. I, for one, think of her every day and I'll tell one reason why. Before I got on the plane back to Florida I took clippings of her vines and Chestnut Tree and put in plastic bags with RooTone. I also brought back all the seeds from her garden flowers I could find.
When I arrived home, I planted the seeds and stuck in the clippings in a special vase. Each day I water the vase and think of Mom. Not to my surprise the plants are abounding, blooming and beautiful. The Trumpet Vine is attrackting Hummingbirds. I don't know what some of the flowers are, but I will enjoy them just the same.
Give my regards to the gang and please tell them I send my love.
With warm love,