actually i'm not high. but tonight is the CO visit and g/f wants to skip meeting again. she said she didn't care anymore, but i still don't know whats goin on..... i'm just gonna sit w/ her tonite and ask if there's anything on her mind, but...
I'm so high, i don't know whats goin on
by dustyb 8 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
Good luck dusty, talking to her is the best move. Keep the lines of communication going and give her the freedom to express herself. It does sound like a good sign.
Aw man dusty, I was just about to ask you to pass around some of the good stuff !! Oh well...what's going on with you girl sounds really good, looks like she's starting to wake up, keep up the good work .
Oh i hope , she is on the verge of seeing , keep us up to date
Good to hear from you again. I have been wondering where you have been. Hang in there buddy. It takes a while before the real 'truth' becomes clear.
Dusty: sounds like you really love her...awesome...I just hope she realizes that...and she loves you in return...
Hope all turns out well for you
PS...glad you changed your guy was wayyyyyyy to ugly...NOdenial and I would bust up laughing everytime we saw it.
glad to hear she's chilling out, just make sure you keep her out of harms way for a while as they will be sending a rescue package out for sure, pray to jehovah, have faith like abraham, be like a nazarite and next time that elders wife tries to seduce you, run!
if all else fails you know who to call...
the more she gets used to missing meetings, the better it will be. That was how I pulled away. I didn't stop just one day because my eyes opened up about the hypocrasy. I wasn't ready for that then. I just began missing more and more meetings. True something did cause me to decide not to return after that, but I really think if I had not already been missing meetings on the regular, I might not have made decisions I did and then later was ready and able to see the real truth and know I could never go back.
Good Luck Dusty!