The Possible Outcome of court cases

by outoftheorg 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • outoftheorg

    Since reading the post about the molestation trials in Texas, I have been pondering on the possible outcome of these cases.

    It is clear that the wbts relies on the firewalls they have set up between the congregations and elders and the corporations. It seems that the ones in jeopardy, are the congregations and especially the elders. The congregations are also corporations. The property and structures are owned by one of the wbts corporations.

    This leaves mainly the elders, as the targets of choice. If a plaintiff recieves a large monetary settlement, most if not all of the elders involved, will lose everything. I seriously doubt that the wbts will step in to help these elders. The wbts would of course not, let the properties be confiscated for recovery of fees and the payment of judgments.

    This could leave a lot of pissed off elders and others. Could this result in the elders, then taking legal action against the wbts?? It most certainly ought to cause other elders to want out of this position.

    If this was to happen in several localities a large segment of the jw's will be subjected to the realities of the world and the wbts. They will see a lot of elders and others prosecuted, convicted and then maybe jailed and or large amounts of money demanded in settlements.

    They will see the wbts not helping, but letting the elders and others hung out to dry.

    This is one scenario I would love to see take place.

    Tell me. What do you think?? Do you have a different take on this??


  • Goshawk

    IMHO it would depend on the level of success that these civil actions.

    If low to moderate levels then it would feed into the local rank and file persecution complex while giving the WT$ a propaganda coup that they would trumpet about for months. Nothing like living well i and being able to decry injustice to others to make one look righteous, even if the sanctimonious leaders abandoned them to face their fate on their own while insulating themselves from any repercussions. (See a pattern here?)

    If the rate is high enough that state legislatures step in to remove some of the insulation provided to the upper echelon of the WT$ it might produce significant changes (read more corporations to hide behind) to the methodology of how edicts are handed down to the rank and file.

    In either case it will be hard on the local BoE [mentally, physically, emotionally & possibly financial]. The article suggested that a pattern of behavior that both made the elders vulnerable & allowed the accused to act freely again. It may even be the case of a local BoE being saddled with the actions of former elders who were in charge at the time.

    A drop in the population of elders and growing reluctance of others to step in a position where they might have to try and defend the decisions of others may also bring about a change in who & how elders are instated.

    But, from past experiences of elders abusing their position litigation may be more than warranted in these cases. The problem is getting the judicial system to recognize the degree of control exercised by the GB and/or corporate headquarters while the WT$ lawyers put on a smoke and mirror act to obscure this fact.
    [[Why should the records of proceedings be admitted in the court record, they are private, as private as the confession is to a priest. Surely your honor what reasonable person would allow themselves to be silenced by uneducated, untrained, and un-ordained men we put in position to maintain the congregation err property, further what normal person would not think for themselves? This is just an attempt to make a raid on what appear to be deep pockets of a upstanding religion.]]

    The actual truth is I don?t really know what will happen. But observation shows that the WT$ has had its way for so long it arrogantly expects to not have to be responsible for what is said or done in its name.


  • link

    Here in the U.K. the congregations are registered as Charities (not for profit organisations) with the Elders as the Trustees. The Trustees are accountable in the circumstances being considered here and could be prosecuted in a Court of Law. They are able to take out insurance to cover all eventualities and liabilities - except those in which they are found guilty, in Court, of an illegal act.

    Yes, this does raise interesting prospects for them.


  • badboy

    Interesting,Should one warn the Elders of those consequences?

  • outoftheorg

    Thanks for your opinions. You bring up some interesting possibilities.


    I wasn't aware of the congregations being looked on as charities in the UK and the structure of the law.

    They might be more vulnerable as a congregation, it would seem.


    Yes, the level of punishment decreed by the courts would determine the outcome.Yeah, If I were still and elder, I would like to be warned.

    Well it certainly will be interesting to follow this and see how it all works out.




  • badboy

    Should I write to Elders,saying YOUR * IS A TARGET?

  • outoftheorg

    Sure Badboy.

    When ever you are stressed out, it is good to do something relaxing.

    Just make sure they know YOU are NOT the one aiming at them.

    Wouldn't want to get in trouble ya know. "Badboy."


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