'cause I think he does.
Does Bush Beat Hippies?
by shamus 8 Replies latest social current
He aint even from Texas...although I hear like many hippies he avoided military service..
District Overbeer
Well I happen to know for a fact that he does; only for political reasons, too.
Oh come now..... we all know that he throws iraqi's into prisons and terrorises them; we know that he must beat hippies for god's sake.
I think he also smokes crack.
I think he also smokes crack.
It was cocaine, and it was a long time ago.
For god's sake, can't we just bash bush here for things he probably didn't do?
Think of the children!
I heard Bush works Mexican prisoners until they drop, and then buries them alive. Then, he uses them to fertilize his Opium poppies.
Oh, and Kerry likes to use his yacht to ram fishing boats and skewers the survivors with a billhook.
Interesting post, Badger. I always kinda thought that he did too! Does he bury them alive???? really????
I think that he also communicates with aliens who have an anenna in his butt.....
No, but he is very 'shocked and disturbed' to find out that some of those under his command are beating hippies!
Poor man knew nothing about it, couldn't even conceive of it happening! tsk, tsk