Regarding the JULY 1 2001 Watchtower Article

by AngelofMuZiC 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • AngelofMuZiC

    Watchtower-July 1, 2001 Article "Do Not Let Doubt Destroy Your Faith"

    This article is stunning!!! The "spiritual gems" found in this article are in my opinion priceless. Here is my commentary:

    In the first three paragraphs, the Society uses an example of bacterial infection that takes over the body causing severe sickness and possible death, comparing it with the effects of doubt. (A little extreme, don't you think?)

    Doubt-Is It Always Bad?

    Paragraph 4 quote:
    "At times, you suspend acceptance of something till you are sure of the facts. Religious exhortations to the effect that you should just believe and doubt nothing are dangerous and deceptive."--Whoa, put on the brakes!!! Isn't that exactly what the WTS does, or are they changing their mind again?! Well, wait a minute. As I recall, whatever doubts you have, you're supposed to bring them to the attention of an Elder or MS, so they can direct you to a book OTHER than the bible, and correct your view by the Society's interpretation of the scripture.
    The paragraph further points out the Scriptures found in Proverbs 14:15 about putting faith in every word, and Proverbs 26:24,25 which speaks about the deceptive talker making his voice gracious. According to my experience, and that of many others, if you don't put the upmost faith in every word of the WTS, then you are spiritually weak, and need immediate counsel. And JW seem pretty "gracious" at the door, wouldn't you agree?

    Paragraph 5 quotes the scriptures found in 1 John 4:1 that exhorts us to test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate from God. I brought that to the attention of an elder once, and I had the scriptures about not testing God thrown in my face!

    Unfounded Doubts-

    Paragraph 6 quote:
    "Yes, an honest, humble examination of the facts to establish the truth is often called for." Who are they to judge what is honest and humble?! "This, however, is not the same as allowing doubts to develop in out mind and hearts-doubts that can wreck our firmly established beliefs and relationships." (Doubts that can blow their cover, and wreck our firmly established membership in the borg?) "This doubt is defined as an "uncertainty of belief or opinion that often interferes with decision-making." (And Webster's gives specifics on doubt classification? I DON'T THINK SO!) The paragraph then tells the story of Eve, when Satan put doubt in her head about God's absolute power.

    Paragraph 7 talks about James' exhortation to keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all; and then goes on to warn that when we start to develop an uncertainty of belief, that we leave ourself vunerable to demonic teachings.
    (Doubting the WTS, leaves us open to the REAL TRUTH!)

    Maintaing Good Spiritual Health-

    Paragraph 9 gives a quote from a doctor about how the bod reacts when starved of food, and tries to tie this in with Matthew 4:4, "Man must live not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth from Jehovah's mouth." I don't recall it being written in the bible that in 2,000 years Jehovah was writing a monthly bible guide called the Watchtower. Did you? Didn't think so.

    Paragraph 10 quote:
    "How did we build faith in the first place? "Faith follows the thing heard," writes the Apostle Paul. (Romans 10:17) He means that we initially built our faith and confidence in Jehovah, his promises, and his organization by feeding on God's Word." Now you tell me...where in the world did Paul ever mention building faith in the WTS? Paul always mentioned the Christian congregation, not an organization or religion, OR THE WTS!!!! Looks like the Society is guilty of adding to the scriptures, something forbidden in Revelation 21, which makes it quite clear that they are not God's ordained people. The paragraph goes on, citing the example of the Beroeans. What they fail to leave out is that the student has to examine the scriptures under the supervision of another witness, using their publications as a “guide”, and any understanding of the scriptures that differs from what the WTS says, are immediately “readjusted”.

    Aviod Spiritual Starvation-

    Paragraph 11 quote:
    “Now the challenge is to maintain our faith…” (in false beliefs)…”and to avoid any uncertainty of belief…”(ideas other than what the WTS says)”…that can weaken our confidence in Jehovah and his organization. The Apostle Paul warns that some…will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons.” It seems that the Societ keeps mixing up the usages of faith. Faith means belief. Faith can mean religion, depending on the context of the paragraph. But they just keep throwing the two together.

    Paragraph 14 quote:
    “Likely, they neglected personal study, and became spiritually weak.” Where does it mention a big Watchtower Study on Sunday? If it’s personal why do JW’s have to tell elders what kind of study they do when they get a sheparding call?

    Paragraph 16 quote:
    “Hence, keep up your personal study. Fight doubts vigorously.” Why such urgency with that statement? Because the Watchtower Society is beginning to see that mass numbers of people are becoming un-brainwashed and are realizing the truth behind their organization. Further down in the paragraph, it gives examples of doubtful questions…”Are we really living in the last days? Can you believe everything the bible says? Is this really Jehovah’s organization?” Notice how they carefully slide that last question in there.

    Paragraph 19 is the final paragraph, and this one packs a really whollop of guilt. “Take the danger of doubts seriously. Satan engages in what might be called spiritual bacteriologic warfare. If you neglect to take in good spiritual food through personal study of the Bible and through attendance at Christian meetings, you lay yourself wide open for attacks…..Make good use of the generous and timely supply of spiritual food provided by the faithful and discreet slave.”

    When Paul wrote Hebrews 10:24, 25..I don’t think he mentioned meetings at the kingdom Hall 3 times a week. He said “Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together…” I believe he was talking about a general gathering of the Christian congregation. But please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken. And where are we told get our spiritual food from another source besides the bible?

    I hope my dissection of this article will be useful to you all in witnessing to other witnesses.

    My Deepest Regards,

  • OrangeBlossom

    Thank you, Joanne, for posting the highlights of this article. I'm sure that I will be approached by certain family members to read this. Now I can say that I have.


  • esther

    Hi Joanne, thanks for posting this, and for your great remarks.
    I have been thinking about this for a while

    the faithful and discreet slave.

    That is one of their favourite expressions. There are a couple of definitions in my dictionary for slave. (1) 'person who is the legal property of another or others and is bound to absolute obedience, human chattel' (2) 'helpless victim to or of some dominating influence, drudge, person having no leisure'.

    IMO, neither definition fits the WTS, but, rather it fits the R&F.

    So who really is the faithful and discreet slave????


  • Defender

    Very Good! Joanne. You were clearly able to discern WT doublespeak.


  • chester

    Thanks Joanne,

    This is another "keeper".


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