Well, all, I finally got a hold of my son's teacher. She told me she thinks it would really benefit my son to repeat the second grade. To be honest with myself, my husband and I thought at his last school that they were behind what they should have been doing. In the back of our minds we thought he probably needs to repeat it. His teacher said that he is where a child is when they finish first grade. If he has a problem during the first quarter of next year then they will test for a learning disability. Our son is taking it well, he doesn't want to go to school next year and be lost. On the plus side she told me that he is one of the most loving, giving, happy children she has seen in a long time. She was happy to see how well adjusted he was after such a big move. A move away from everyone and everything that he knew, except us of course. Anyway, that's what happened.
repeat second grade
by five_crew 5 Replies latest jw experiences
little witch
My oldest daughter needed to repeat grade two also. It seems to become apparent in that grade if kids are struggling with reading and the basics. My daughter benifited from repeating the grade. Because grade three advances to much more difficult things, and a child who is struggling to read will have major difficulties keeping up or comprehending the new stuff.
Your son sounds like a doll-baby. I wish you all well.
BTW, I like the terminology you use (repeat the second grade)as opposed to "failed". That is so hurtful for a kid to hear, I cringe to hear that word used.
Special K
Repeating a grade level at this age can be difficult but I think it is alot easier at these lower grade levels than when they get to middle school Grades 5 -9.
I hope it works out for him and you both. sounds like a good teacher that has the best interest of your son at heart.
Special K
His teacher said the same thing. Third grade is a much more independant grade. Much less one on one teaching. There are many things that they learn down here that they never touched on in school in Wisconsin. Such as phonics that when we moved his teacher literally changed the way she taught it otherwise he would have been lost. Our son was disappointed, but we told him (on the advice of his teacher) that they learned so much down here when we were moving that repeating the grade was the best thing for him. It is hard for him anyway, because his older brother is one grade ahead of him and a whiz. All A's and B's. I always worried about the competition. Kyle would end up getting the same teachers Kurt had and then they would expect a lot more from Kyle because Kurt caught on to things so fast. I think it will be good for him to repeat.. If he advanced to third grade and then had problems, I would hate to see that interfere with his self esteem.
Special K
My youngest son is in third grade this year and it is the hardest year he has had so far.
As I might have mentioned his grade 1 and 2 did not prepare him for this..It was just a crowd control classes with 31..six and seven year olds for 2 years.
MATH:Grade 3 where I am
there are all the times tables that they have to know the answers for within 4-5seconds.
measurement. metric and standard and how to figure that out on the ruler
probability. .. adding and subtraction of 3 digit numbers with carry overs
Geometry shapes circle, triangles, squares, rectangles, octagons, hectagons, rhombus .. shapes
Right angles... obtuse and those ones.
English.. Language arts and reading the page and answering the provided question sheets. Reading response journal.
Reading aloud every night.
Spellings tests: Into 2 syllabel words this year.
Writing at least a one page stories and beginning cursive writing..
Science: rocks and minerals, spiders, Salmon,
Social Studies : Map of Canada (since we're Canadians)
A social studies project on a place in Canada, dates founded, by whom, population, industry, etc. interesting facts. .. and then presenting this orally to the class.
Grade 3 has been a big year for my guy.. and I spend a lot of time keeping him up to speed and not falling behind.
Special K
franklin J
how about getting him some extra help? Tutors? Additional remedial classes to supplement the public school until he catches up?