June 15, 2001 9:18: HARLOW'S Princess Alexandra Hospital has received a new machine which allows operations to be carried out without the need for blood transfusions.
The £4,500 'cell saver' machine ensures that blood lost by patients during operations is collected, washed and re-infused, therefore removing the need for donated blood.
It can be used in a wide range of procedures including cardiovascular and emergency surgery, and is particularly useful for operations involving children where finding suitable donors can be problematic.
The equipment was donated by the Beds and Herts Medical Fund which co-ordinates cash donations from local Jehovah's Witnesses and their friends.
It particularly appeals to Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions on religious grounds.
Colin Woodford, a spokesman for Harlow's 500 Witnesses, said: "I hope the cell saver machine will be used for the benefit of all patients at the hospital for many years to come."
Beds and Herts Medical Fund chairman Steve Willoughby said: "We're confident this machine will be of great benefit to the community as a whole.
"We've been deeply impressed by the hospital's positive approach to reducing the use of allogeneic (someone else's) blood transfusions."
Yakki Da
"The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: