High Insulin levels ?

by Nadsam 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nadsam

    Dear Friends

    My Doctor did a whole battery of bloodtests on me recently (I fainted/lost conciousness a week ago and was admitted to Hospital with bloodpressure 195/110 and no I wasn't reading the Watchtower at the time !)...yesterday I got my results back.......all normal exept my insulin levels !!

    My level is 47,2 and the Doctor told me the normal range is between 6 and 9.

    Does anyone know what this means ?? is my high Insulin dangerous ??

    Kind Regards


    [email protected]

  • EyeDrEvil

    Sounds like you are a bit high.... Hmmmm. What does your internist think about this. Are you on a restricted diet now? Meds? Insulin. Do you have a family history of diabetes?

    Here in the "States," where we are getting fatter by the minute (just the facts, sorry folks), a "touch of sugar" has become epidemic...

    What is the game plan, or did your doc say nothing about that?


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi insulin can cause a few problems, but it can usually be lowered with a change of diet. Sugar and starch are the main culprits causing high insulin.

    My own diet is similar to this http://www.powerhealth.net/nutrition.htm and I don't find it tough to do.

    ...but I am considered to be a little strange ;-)

  • talesin

    Black Sheep

    You and me, too! We may be considered strange, but if that's what folks call 'healthy', then it's fine with me.

    (ps. except, I can't eat any wheat, rye or barley )


    I hope you get some more information/follow up - this sounds dangerous! Take care, friend, and check it out, please, please. Do some research yourself on the net, talk to any medical health professionals you know (hopefully some here will pick up the thread), then go back to the physician as a well-informed health consumer.

    Keep us posted, you are our African Apostate Extraordinaire!!!


  • truthseeker1

    You should call your doctor and ask him what he says about your insulin levels. I'm not a doctor and I'm not sure if you should get medical advice like this from a ExJW-DB.

    Take Care

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I have difficulty with your word usage.I am a classic Type 2 "insulin resistant'' diabetic.I have never heard of high Insulin. What you're describing is hypoglycemia.Low blood sugar that is caused by excess sugar in your blood which 'prompts' the beta cells in the pancreas to 'dump' too much insulin, which forces the sugar into your cells,and out of the blood.NOW your circulating blood sugar drops below 70 which starves the brain and you get weak/panicky very hungry. Now you go off and eat the sugar that you are craving ,this starts the whole viscious circle all over again.... The solution usually is to avoid simple carbs,and of course sugar.Eat only complex slow to digest carbs and veggies. I'm not an MD either,i'm just sick a lot. email [email protected]

  • Nadsam

    Thx all esp for the diet tips etc.

    I went to the clinic today and the Doctor basically told me what Danny said in his post.

    They've put me on a drug called "METFORMIN" and I have to go see a dietician next week so that they can se what can be done regarding my eating habits. ....the strange thing though is my glucose levels and all the blood tests (full blood count , cholesterol..etc) are so normal that its scary that my insulin level is so abnormally high .

    My blood pressure was 125/80 today.

    I'll post again if I have some more info.

    By the way I did a bit of research and found high levels of insulin can lead to heart attack as well so I intend not speaking or debating any JW stuff with any JW'S....only you guys because when here at JWD I feel a whole lot better.

    Anyway I can't go and kick the bucket right yet as I have a lot of APOSTATE work here in SA to do.

    Kind Regards


    [email protected]

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    [[They've put me on a drug called "METFORMIN" an.

    Metformin is an excellant drug,it causes the liver to make less glucose.Now you if you go off and exercise hard and don't eat you will be in trouble with dangerously low blood sugar.

    You now have to seriously adapt your lifestyle.It sucks being a diabetic,and being a little diabetic is like being a 'little pregnant".You are never cured.

    There is no cure for diabetes with the possible exception of weight loss if you are overweight.I'm 40 lbs over and if i lost it,my diabetes would be more manageable.

    There is a LOT to learn and change once you have the diag.Good Luck mate!

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The Watchtower has murdered countless victims with their deathly quack counsel: Q: When I was working as a visiting nurse, I took care of a guy with uncontrolled diabetes, and it was killing him. He was a Jehovah's Witness, and he told me it didn't really matter whether he controlled his disease because his religion taught him that everything's just temporary anyway. I never saw anybody living in such complete poverty, he couldn't afford the food or medicine he needed, and he refused to accept any kind of assistance. But he had this stack of new books he had bought from the church. He was a man without education or sophistication. http://www.dannyhaszard.com/haszard1.htm

  • Nadsam

    Hey Danny...as long as they don't give me blood !...hehehe

    Thanks for the info (better than all the WT questions from readers nonsense)



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