Last night we made a leap and added a puppy to our home. We have a seven month old terrier-chihuahua mix already. We added a bigger dog into the mix. She is a black lab mix. We got her her own dishes and leash for outside. Any ideas on how to make this addition easier for the older pup. We are giving her the attention that she is used to, but she still growls and barks at the new comer. She is the most adorable thing. Little Bit (the older pup) sleeps in our childrens beds with them. We kept Molly (new pup) out of that room last night and have told the kids they still need to play just like always with Little Bit. We want her to know that she is still top dog around here.
adding a new puppy
by five_crew 9 Replies latest jw experiences
I'm not a dog owner but I guess it's like most things, just takes a little while.
Special K
Good Morning five-crew
Could you pass me a coffee please?
I LOVE dogs.
A puppy will certainly give the family a focus to shower love and attention in. And it's just so fun to watch them interact with their world.
My only concern might be your hot head neighbours and the German Shepards.
Hope all of that got straightened out and you don't still have these two dogs in your yard and barking on your back porch.
I was wondering how you made out with all that?
Special K
What I want to know is... what are all you Americans doing up so early!!!
Special K
Good Morning, I'm on my 3rd cop a coffee as I write this.
The boys are up and watching the puppy right now. Little Bit is laying at my feet, life is good!
We have not seen or heard anything from our hothead neighbor since that altercation. He leashed up one of his dogs and the other disappeared. Unfortunately, because of the shotgun we heard go off, we are under the impression that he shot it. Our neighbors down the road thought the same thing. One good thing out of all that was that the wild life started coming back into our yard. Those dogs would be in the woods behind our house and scare everything away, now we have seen deer in our backyard.
The new puppy is a lot of fun, pure black. We are not sure of the mix, but Black Lab for sure. The woman we got her from said the mothers side had some Doberman and Golden Retriever. The father was supposed to be a Chow, but she doesn't have the spot on her tongue that Chows have. I don't know, but we love her. A good addition to our family. A lot of fun. Plus, good for the boys and learning responsiblity.
Hey Ball,
Up so early?? Well, got the husband off to work and the kids got up, no time for sleep. Besides, sunrise is one of the best times of the day.
the only thing I would be really careful about is that the big, new pup doesn't play too roughly with the little one, cause I have seen where a big dog in just playing with chihuahua type dogs, have broken limbs, so don't leave them alone together, and if the pup gets too rough, seperate them, and the pup will learn that he is not allowed to play rough.
The growling and such from the older smaller dog is fine, he is just teaching the pup whos boss, and is very unlikely to hurt the big pup, and is a sign that the smaller dog is insecure about this big galoot.
They will get used to each other, and soon will likely be friends.
Have fun!
I am so happy for you!!! Labs are great dogs, and very loving. I have a golden lab mix, and she is the love of my life! I wish you much happiness! BTW, what is her name??? Mine is named Chelsea, and she is quite the spoiled goofomutticus!
Like with children, there's always room for one more. The fact that both are pups is a big plus: they'll basically grow up together. I think it's also a plus because they'll have each other--won't be lonely.
We've had a pup since x-mas, and it's been great. We want to add a kitten soon, so they will both grow up together.
hey Ohiocowboy,
We named her Molly. When we saw her, she just looked like a Molly. So cute and so much fun. Even the older dog is getting to like her!!!
Yes, always room for one more. But we didn't want to wait too long to get her. We still wanted the older dog to be a pup. When we moved down to Tennessee we had two cats that we had to find homes for because our new landlord didn't want cats in the house, so the boys were happy to get a couple puppies. The new one looks like one of our cats (only bigger!!)