It was a good show: always making me laugh. I'll miss all Friends: Joey, Chandler, Ross, Monica, Rachel and Phoebe.
I'll miss "Friends"
by sunshineToo 4 Replies latest jw friends
You are not alone. Could you BE in better company? I was a part of that self-absorbed shallow generation too, but now, at least I can watch the reruns on the WB and feel all nostalgic. Join me won't you?
Alrighty then, buh bye,
Me, too, although I must often hide my secret love of that show. Thankfully, it is on four times a day in reruns here. (Our region must love Friends!)
(I am in love with Ms. Chnandler Bong)
"im chandler, could i BE wearin anymore clothes?" -joey
aww! that was my favorite show!! im sooo sad that its over. i was so happy that rachel and ross got together would just be unfair if they didnt! so sad
My favorite (the funniest) moment of Friends is when Ross tried a pair of leather pants and having a hard time with them at his date's bathroom. But my favorite friend is Joey: a funny wanna-be actor with a big heart.
My husband and I have been watching the DVDs: Season 1 - 7, again. We are now in the middle of the Season 5. I thought that show was one of the decent ones in these days. I don't like those faux-reality shows. I have to say that "Friends" reall taught me how to be a friend: caring, loving, and supportive no matter what.
Gosh! I'm going to miss them a lot.