Have you ever noticed this pattern? For one thing we know their interpretation/translation of being "no part of the world", even within the ranks there's this judgement about bad association, within the family unit again some might be shunned, and finally even within the individual there is a lot of what they judge as bad tendancies. Isn't love the opposite movement? What comes to mind for you on this topic?
JWs cause divisions on all levels
by Markfromcali 4 Replies latest jw friends
What comes to mind is that you've certainly put your finger on the reason why so many JWs are not happy! AND why those who have left are able to find joy in their lives DESPITE their arbitrary "division" (read, "cutting off") from those shunning them. JWs are ALL ABOUT judging others, despite the Bible admonition not to do so! And JWs are taught self-doubt and self-loathing in a very insidious way -- under the guise of "sinners" learning to live "righteously" via the model set before them by the Governing Body.
Of course, once one realizes that the Governing Body does not actually model righteous behavior, is not loving, and is deliberately deceitful (wait--isn't Satan the "father of the lie"?!!!), one can give oneself permission to begin deciding what really is or is not loving behavior on one's own! Which is a startling idea to a JW, who is not supposed to think independently.
Giving oneself permission to judge/trust one's own opinions, feelings, and thoughts as good, without comparing them to WT dogma, is the beginning of healing. A healing of the rift which I believe all trained JWs possess deep within their beings. Becoming accepting of the human condition with all its greatness and all its foibles, is the beginning of the less judgmental, more harmonious life that is available to us all. It's a far happier place than being "separate from the world."
Undaunted Danny
http://www.freeminds.org/buss/shunnin2.htm { A good test to see if a group is a deity worshipping group or a separatist, isolationist movement is to examine their teachings and practices to see if they will stand alone without someone or something to "be against." A group united by an enemy is not a religion, it's an army. Hatred needs a focus. Love does not. A benevolent, deity worshipping, group is non-confrontational, non-judgmental, and non-inquisitional. A safe place to develop a relationship with yourself, your friends, family, and with a God of your own understanding. By simply making the practice of shunning a matter of conscience the Watchtower would move overnight into mainstream dogmatism. The rest would be non-consequential. Sadly, the Watchtower leaders are aware of this. -------The Way I See It by Gary Busselman } Danny sez:The Watchtower is a haven for hatred
Undaunted Danny
Family Wrecking Jehovah's Witnesses :"think it's fun to eat their young" The following is a cut and paste from my guest book,from someone purporting to be my long lost JW kin that i have not seen in 15 years:::
Im not lost to the "cult" you refer to as Jehovah's Witnesses. Im not activly praticing the religion. And by the way. Your mother (my grandmother) died this year. Take my name off your web page along with my pictures of me and my family. Im not a little boy anymore as you probably think I am. Im 6'1" 220 lbs, i lift 5 days a week work construction and ride a Harley and a active member of the Hells Angels(Watch Yourself. Get your facts together. And for the public viewing your web page... and yes im a HASZARD... Everything Danny is accusing the family of and Jehovah's Witnesses of is compleat bullshit(Takes a molester to know a molester?), keep in mind im an outsider to the religion... There is so much people dont know about you... I've never thought anything bad about you Dan, i even looked up to you as i was growing up, but I find your web page sick, your the only psycho path, and your a disgrace to the family. Your Dead To Us. Do us all a favor and stick your shit bag and suffacate yourself... -Kevin-
Unaltered,now you tell me what kind of demented slime would post this?
Causing divisions is what JW's do best. If you're born into it you can't have worldly? friends. If you join it later in life you have to give your worldly? friends up. You can't associate with worldly? school or workmates. Association with worldly? relatives is kept to an absolute minimum.
Then, people who were not raised as JW's are not truly accepted among them, as they MIGHT still have some worldly? traits lurking beneath the surface. Then, people in the congregation that try to get an education, a decent job, or happen to inherit some money are viewed as "materialistic", another worldly? trait. People who have problems are viewed as spiritually "weak" since they obviously don't have god's blessing. Some people are viewed as "lovers of pleasure" because they try to enjoy their lives a little. If you miss a few meetings you're viewed as "weak", so people try to get to all the meetings in spite of illness. I've seen people come to meetings with raging fevers rather than exercise a little common sense and stay home. Why? So others won't think they're "weak". Then, you have to make "progress" in the congregation. One elder said to me that he had NO USE for any "brother" who was in the "truth?" for six years and wasn't AT LEAST a ministerial servant?.
If you're "weak" you're viewed as "bad association". Same thing if you exhibit any worldly? traits. Same thing if you don't physically conform to whatever model the local elders decide is appropriate. In some congregations moustaches are ok, others it's not. Same thing with being overweight. Or the type of tie you wear.
JW's are taught to view one another with suspicion and people who display worldly? traits are not considered good association, even among their own ranks. They examine one another critically. They are constantly, through meetings and articles, forced to examine themselves critically, so they will remain humble. They are told to examine their work, recreation, and other interests critically.
You?re right; Jehovah?s Witnesses cause divisions on all levels. They try to separate themselves from society as a whole. They cause their children to be separate from schoolmates. They cause divisions in the workplace. They divide families, and have divisions in the congregations. They even cause people to have divisions within themselves, creating a kind of self-loathing. How can they have love for others when they can?t even love themselves? They are critical of EVERYTHING.
They only thing they cannot examine critically is the Watchtower Society. Because it is their god.