This is my first shot at posting HTML code on this Forum. If I screw up please forgive me. I will try again.
<blockquote><font size=
><font face=
><font size=
>I met Frederick W. Franz when I was about 12 or 13 years of age at the Covington, Kentucky Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. I shook his hand. Covington, Kentucky was where he was born and myself for that matter. My mother witnessed the hand shaking event and I think she had 2 or 3 organisms during the exchange. Fred Franz held a countenance that was impressive, however his eyes were beady, more beady than that of George W. Bush's. At the time I had felt proud and honored to experience such an event. I for one have a different prospective of the man now.</font><br><br>
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<img src = ""> <p><center>Frederick W. Franz</center></p> </td><!-- Col 1 --><td valign = "top"> <p><blockquote><blockquote>I've been doing some thinking about "Chicken Little". He lived to be 99 years of age and was never married. "Chicken Little" pushed his biased and damaging personal beliefs on millions of unsuspecting, brain dead and innocent people. The damage the acorn did was devastating to many including myself. "1975", "The King of the North and the King of the South" bull crap, etc. Most of you here know the rest. CL lied under oath in a Court Room as to having a Rhodes Scholarship. CL was accredited as being the main translator of the "New World Transfusion" Bible. He had no degree in Hebrew or Greek. He was truly an evil, cruel and devious man. It's obvious to me that he was capable of any corrupt act against mankind. His influence was powerful and he used it as did Hitler who in fact was a sexual deviate that liked to lie in a bath tub and have women straddle their legs and pee on him. </blockquote></blockquote> </p> </td><!-- Col 2 --></tr></table> <br>
<blockquote><p><font size= "3" >Now then, if we take in to consideration the foregoing, let's consider a possibility. I would like to review the names on the secret list containing 23,720 "known" pedophiles in the borg. I would venture to say that his name is there.<br>
<font size= "4" >Elmer</font></font></p></blockquote>
</font> </blockquote>