Will the World ever Die?

by blacksheep 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • blacksheep

    During the last few years, I've progressively observed a phenomenon which I hadn't really seen before in my JW mother. Lately she's been talking about her will, about wanting to get long term care insurance for herself and my dad so they won't be a burden on us kids...

    It's like she KNOWS she's going to eventually die in "this system." What happened to Armageddon's right around the corner??

    Do any of you see this almost resigned attitude in any of your relatives? Are they functioning on two separate planes: 1) the JW who'll see Armageddon come in their lifetime and survive into Jehovah's new system of things; versus 2) The human who knows that Armageddon's just a pipe dream and so needs to realistically plan for their and their childrne's future?

  • xLaurax

    Yeah, but i reckon that secretly in their hearts they are not gonna survive until the 'so-called' armagedon gets here.That's why they plan in advance.If only they could realise the truth??


  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Yeah, I've been seeing more and more witnesses actually planning for the future. My mom going to school for nursing but still make me read accounts about how further education is wrong wrong wrong. Hypocrit. However, the 'world' will eventually die, unless humans come up with some ingenius way to stop the sun from cooling down or from killing ourselves in a huge nuclear holocaust.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Faithful Dubs of all ages will just dance across the threshold of Armageddon into God's New World any day now!

  • the bandersnatch esq.
    the bandersnatch esq.

    It's called doublethink - the ability to believe one thing, but know another conflicting view is in fact the truth and yet not believe it. Ref 1984, George Orwell.

  • talesin

    Sounds like my own parents, blacksheep. Increasingly, the realization that it is all a big lie is beginning to dawn on them. My mother clings to her denial far too adamantly, because her whole life has centered around the religion, and my father has become quiet on the subject of 'the end'. His eyes are filled with sadness and regret. It's as if he has realized how much of his life, especially as a father, has been wasted. Ah, it makes me feel so sad.

    To any reading this thread; if you are questioning your faith, please take this to heart. Read, think, reason, search for your personal truth before your life slips away from you.


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