Last year at this time "Shrewed Apostates" side stepped and survived the Elder's question " Do you consider yourself one of Jehovah's Witnesses? " This year no question is asked. If you show no hostility they ask " Can we visit you again in say one year? " Any one else having this experience. I was on their list same as last year but this year ( they caught me in the garden) they did not try to trick me with that question. They seemed in a hurry to get it overwith.
Shrewed Apostates of the 1 Year Class
by Siddhashunyata 4 Replies latest jw friends
Sid, I'm glad to hear that. Of course, one experience with the elders does not an organization wide policy make. Elders don't always follow the WTS directives, especially if there is no way to check up on them and they have a simpatico elder with them. It is still good to be prepared for that question and how you might answer it.
Did you invite them back next year?
how does one answer that question?
candidlynuts, welcome. There were quite a few threads on that question about this time last year. How you answer depends on where you want "things" to go. If you want to stay in control of your situation you may simply lie ( spiritual warfare) and say "of course I do". Then create confusion about meeting attendence and field service without ever giving a direct or confrontational answer. Never be direct, stay general, simply imply and evade and do it all with common courtesy. Down the "road" if you decide you've had enough and you want to be "direct" then it will be on your terms. Each one's case is a little different but the issue is always the same....who's in control?
Blondie, I just saw you question. Actually the way the conversation went was like this:
Elders:" We love you . Can we come back in say 6 months or 1 year?"
Me (having some fun): "But Armageddon will be here by then ! "
Elders: "Gufaw, Gufaw, we can come by next week if you want us to."
Me: Well....... how about putting me down for 1 year.
Elders (smiling approvingly) : OK we'll see you then, you were on our list (explain, explain etc.)