I was recently told how wonderfully the WTS reacted to the people working at the WTC site in New York after 9/11/01. Not just bringing food and water etc. to the firemen and other workers but actually "giving love" by hugging the workers, (I'm sure) giving out magazines and acting all superior because of the real love shown instead of the superficial kind shown by the churches of christnedom. I was told how well and warmly received the WTS response was from those working at the Trade Center site. (Yeah, who needed food and water when WT and Awake! magazines were available?)
I tried a search to find information here but was unsuccessful. I seem to remember a few horror stories of WTS behavior on 9/11 such as locking their doors to prevent people running away from entering their building(s) and being generally apathetic to the situation -- unless a JW was involved. Can anyone point me to some information or provide it from first-hand experience? Am I mistaken?
I am really curious at the spin that seems to be being put on their reprehensible actions now to make it seem like they were the only ones really doing anything at that tragic site.Thanks,