
by Xandria 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xandria

    I got a belated birthday card today from my other sister R. She sent it out in time, but she put C.A. instead of NC. lol. We grew up there. She enclosed photos.. I was so overwhelmed by a myrid of emotions,that I cried for a good hour. My sister's oldest daughter looks exactly like her when she was a child. For years, we have been apart and to suddenly have.. family it~ I am unable to put it into words. To those who think, things will never change or all is loss forever. Don't give up.

    Yes, Tay! I scanned them and sent you some. Please clean out your email so I can send the second set.


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey Xandria

    It feels so good to get a brother or sister back in your life.

    It's very emotional, .. tears of joy, tears of all the time lost..

    wishing you all the best Xandria..

    as I can understand where your coming from because of my relationship with Shotgun


    and if I was there with you I'd give ya a big hug and cry with you too.........

    Special K

  • maybesbabies

    Hey sis, I cleaned out my inbox, sheesh! You should send the pics to my yahoo account, I can save them to my pictures from there. Aren't our neices adorable? I can't wait to see them again, wish you could make it over sometime, sis!

  • Sentinel

    I am so very happy for you!!


  • Sassy

    That is soooo cool!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Oh wow! That is just soooo wonderful. What great pics too! Such cuties :)

  • Valis

    Doh!...Such nice pics Xandria!


    District Overbeer

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