okie dokie...well its been um...forever....this is Discombobulatedgirl (rolorcoasters daughter) ive been hanging around here since um...2001,....just not active...had to make a new name cuz smart me lost my pw....so yea...im not to sure if any of yalls remember me....heck i cant remember all the ppl i used to talk to ...way to many to remember...so yea....talk to yalls later!!!!
Honey im HOME!!!!!!
by rebelChild 3 Replies latest jw friends
Well I wasn't around when you were new before.. but welcome back! It was nice to meet ya in chat!
Obviously Secret
Yeah I'm new so I don't really know all too many people. Hope we can become great friends, almost everybodies friendly here.
everyone here is great. They helped me through some poo when i was new to the "world"....they are a great support system....i hope to make many new friends on here also
btw...any one in here live in Washington(state)????