Anyone here love good wine? I am going to Maifest in Hermann, MO. this weekend and partaking freely. There are several great wineries there and we get a group together every year for Maifest and Oktoberfest. We start at the wineries when they open at 11:00 AM and then when they close at 6:00 PM, we hit the Beer Gardens. It is so much fun and the wines are great. We go to a place called Bias Winery first where they make a fantastic Reisling along with a few other good wines, then hit a couple of mediocre wineries on the way to the Adam Puchta Winery which makes a great white wine called Adam's Choice and a WONDERFUL dessert wine called Jazzbery, then we go to Hermannhoff Winery where my favorite is to mix their Cherry Wine with some Golden Spumante and make a spritzer. Then we eat and go to a little Beer Garden behind the Rieff House B & B where we drink a German beer called Oberdorfer Weiss Light. Most of these places can be found online if anyone wants to look and see what I am talking about. It's a great time!
A Festival for a Wino like me
by copsec 6 Replies latest jw friends
No one else here likes wine???
Why drink wine, when thereĀ“s beer?
LOL Lazy, I like both, thats why we hit the Beer Gardens after the wineries close
Copsec - sounds like a great time, really! We have wine country north of me and I've been starting to think about touring the wineries up there sometime - the country is beautiful, so it would be a nice trip all 'round.
Have fun!!!!! And get PICTURES, don't forget us....
I do! I do!
Don't 'know' much about wine, that is what is supposed to be good in the fancy sense. I generally like Bordeaux and Burgundies. We have some fine wineries here. It's recent in the last 20 years, as the growing season is short.
I visited a winery in the Napa Valley years ago when vacationing in LA-LA land. It was fun, but I was so ignorant about wines, I just knew it was free! At 21, though, I guess ignorance is bliss. heheheh
Since last fall, I've been making my own wine. Learning from my father, who has a real knack for it. He grows his own grapes and we make red. Took me weeks to get those stains scrubbed off my toes after the grape-stomping sessions last fall! heheh He has made dandelion, blueberry, blackberry, and rose hips wine as well. Experimenting is a lot of fun.
We also make sake. It's really good, and my favorite white wine. So simple,,, rice, raisins, sugar and yeast. MMM MMM GOOD!
Just having a nice glass of blueberry wine right now. It's funny, the homemade stuff is so much better than any of the commercial I have tasted (blueberry, that is). You can actually taste the flavour of the berries. It is intoxicating. Well, you know what I mean.
You have a PM. Also, I really enjoy homemade wine. My father used to make persimmon wine which was actually very tasty.
Seeitallclearly, PICTURES????? You want me to give ya'll the ammunition to BLACKMAIL me? LOL!