Raped by my Jehovah father

by Nordic 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Nordic

    From Silentlambs site:

    EKSTRA BLADET 5/12-2004


    HYP OCRITES!: The sect dismissed the young womans accusations as a fabrication until the father confessed.

    "The three elders did not believe me at all. They all said it was a pure fabrication." Anne H today a middle aged mother with two adult children remembers all to well the day she told the Jehovahs Witnesses about the sexual abuse that her father, a highly respected member of the organization, had subjected her to. Forced intercourse rape, from the age of 14 until she moved at 17. "When I was 21 and had my first baby, I heard that my father was to speak at an assembly in front of a huge crowd at the Foelledpark in Copehagen. It was time to put an end to the hypocrisy. I went to the congregation and told them the truth. But they completely rejected me."

    " Not until two years later when I myself was able to get my father to confess, did the congregation interfere.

    " They gave him reproof. Nothing else, Anne H tells us, she lives someplace in Jutland and wants to remain anonymous, among other things because her children dont know anything about the family tragedy.

    P ainful men

    Anne H., who herself works with underprivileged children is still deeply affected by the gross abuse in her teenage years.

    - It has taken me many years to learn to live with such serious abuse. I am still unable to forgive those people in the Jehovahs Witnesses, who in an arrogant and condescending manne r r ejected me, when I told them the truth.

    - It was unbelievably embarrassing, remembers Anne H, which has used memory therapy drawing as self-therapy.

    - I was interrogated by three Jehovah-leaders, the so-called elders, from the congregation in Copenhagen . I told them about the abuse. But from the very beginning I could see that they were not going to believe me.

    After the interrogation the elders went to Anne His father and confronted him with his daughterýs story.

    - He denied it all, and my family rejected me. For many years they didnt even greet me on the street, the woman remembers. She still suffers painful harm from her fatherýs abuse.

    - Still I can not stand the s mel l of old apples, because it was old apples in the basement where my fathe r r aped me.

    Father tried to kill himself

    When Anne H., about two years after she accused her father to the Jehovahs Witnesses she decided to go to him directly and force a confession out of him, he tried to commit suicide.

    - But after a while he confessed to the abuse. When the elders learned about this he was subjected to a public reproof in the congregations Kingdom Hall.

    - Here the congregation was told that my father had conducted himself in a manner unsuitable for a Christian. He wasnt disfellowshipped. It still hurts that they didnt count his crime more serious then that, says Anne H.


    Anne H, has left Jehovah's Witnesses a long time ago, but she is still angry that the sect as documented in Ekstra Bladet, continue to treat people that was sexually abused some years ago with the same careless indifference as before.

    It is quite clear that even today I wouldnt have been believed. After all I didnt tell them about the abuse until almost 5 years afterwards, I was so afraid. I am not saying that there are more abusers among Jehovah's Witnesses then anywhere else. But it is deeply reprehensible that they cover up such crimes and hide away both the abuse and an unknown number of victims. I know how horrible it is and how it hurts to be abused, humiliated and degraded, says Anne H.

    [email protected]

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The paper also published two of Anne H drawings which were pretty ghastly.

  • talesin
  • xLaurax

    Tschhh.... how bad is that?? Can't belive that somebodys father would do that. makes me sick .

    My friend in my congrgation was sexually abused by an elder who is now in prison. the only difference is that he never actually admitted it, pleaded guilty but said it was because he didn't want her to go to court at such a young age. The worse thing is... some people actually believe his innocence.


  • blondie

    Laura, I hope they don't have children. When he gets out, they will be good candidates as his next victims since their parents won't believe him to be a danger.


  • xLaurax

    I know!! I hope that i never have to see the man again. Even his wife stood by him after he had pleaded guilty. All this talk of rape, abuse and terrorism is strarting to scare the hell out of me. What is this world coming to??


  • ApagaLaLuz

    Amen Sphere... you have a very good point there. These stories continue to sadden me when I read them. Anytime the innocence of a child is compromised is a great Tragedy. Gotta say, my father was no Saint Peter, but I am very greatful to him that he was a DECENT Father.

  • lilsx1

    What a tragedy :( I hate that they protect "prominent" members of the congregation but then when a young teenager/adult does something wrong - like have consensual sex, or drinking parties/drugs they are disfellowshipped. *UGH*!!!!!! I am so angry that they pick and choose "special" people to stay or go to keep their congregation "strong". What strength lies in the hypocrisy and abuse that they have built up this cult to become??? *VOMIT* on them and their ways!!!!!

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