I just wanted to brag about the babies who will not have to be under the WT.
The kids this forum saved
by SuperMommy 5 Replies latest social family
Supermom, your kids are beautiful and congratulations!
This forum has shared a part in saving my kids.
I have read so many inspiring stories on this board and it helped me to not only come out of the closet with regard to my views, but it helped to empower me to become the kind of advocate my children needed to protect and lead them out of the organization.
From left to right: Me, Crystal, Elese, Beau, Nancy & Elizabeth. This shot was taken 5 or 6 years ago . . . they are so grown now.
What a nice thread. We have a couple too - it's **so** nice seeing them grow up and be able to do all the regular kids stuff, joining in at school etc...
I don't have any children and was never raised a JW , but that is really great that they don't have to suffer. Too many have given up going to school. Too many have been denied birthdays, christmas, friends, outside activities because it interfered with the all important meetings! Life is hard enough why make it harder raising them in this cult.
I love this view of releasing your kids!
what beautiful families, except Dilan looks just like you, Simon! lol glasses, nose & all!
Hugs to all the kids.
Ahhhh Hoooray!!!! And what a way to title your thread. They are very lucky to have you as their Supermommy