Do you "WIKI"??? Should Quotes "WIKI"???

by Quotes 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quotes

    Explanation: a WIKI enabled website allows a large group of people to share the "privlege" of editing and updating a website. Updates are as easy as clicking on "edit this page" and typing in a box (very similar to the box I'm typing in right now, in fact).


 website (I'm talking to you, dear Blondie, et al). WIKI would allow me to share the fun; or put more correctly, would allow you to add/update the Quotes website as you came across new gems from the Witchpower Bable & Trick Society, whenever the mood struck your fancy.

 website, or leave it the way it is now (with me as sole editor)? It won't cost me any money (thank you Open Source Software) but would take some time on my part to install

    yourself personally ever taking the time to create/edit/update an article at Quotes if the technology was in place to make it easy to do?

  • Quotes

    No one there? I guest this is what I get for posting so late at night. (((yawn)))

  • Aztec

    Hiya Quotes!

    Should I make the effort to enable WIKI on the website, or leave it the way it is now (with me as sole editor)? It won't cost me any money (thank you Open Source Software) but would take some time on my part to install.

    You should. If it would open you up to more information it is a good thing. Very good!

    I don't know much about computer software so...I am inept at this stuff. - could you envision yourself personally ever taking the time to create/edit/update an article at Quotes if the technology was in place to make it easy to do?

    I would if I could do it.... I have alot of misspent energy...LOL! I would like to if I could. I have the resources (thanks to my Grandfather) but not necessarily the time.


    Locked down for practical purposes.

    I'm a dork and not a geek...sorry!


  • Leolaia

    By all means do it. But also please keep the non-WIKI version available too. I very much like the presentation.

  • Leolaia

    And I see what you mean. I noticed that the "Racial Attitudes" lacks all the important anti-Semitic stuff from Enemies and the 1933 Declaration...

  • blondie

    Quotes, well, I have to read this over more carefully. I have viewed Wikipedia and wondered how they maintain the integrity of the subject. Let me get back to you on this.


    I thought about it. Control freak that I am, I would be more comfortable if people submitted quotes to you for review (or someone you designated) before they are posted to the Quotes site. I just feel there is too much room for bad information to get in or too much time to make sure it doesn't.


  • Quotes

    Aztec, Thanks for your input!

    Blondie, let me address you concerns: if the WIKI were locked down, so that only after I (or perhaps a small circle of co-admins) approved the person, only then would they be able to edit/update pages. I.E. "controlled membership".

    Leolaia, if I do this, I would do my best so that the WIKI-fied version would have the same look & feel as the present version. If this objective is acheived, it would be my long term goal to only have version: the WIKI version, and if I've done my job correctly, it will look just as good as the present version, except with new content added by carefully approved folks like you guys!

    Anyone else out there with WIKI experience who can make recommendations?

  • Quotes

    Just to keep the ideas flowing: I received a thoughtful PM suggesting that WIKI will make the Quotes site lose credibility, and citing Kent's site as an example of one that lost credibility when the doors were thrown open.

    Here is the bulk of my PM response, for the record. I post here not to break the bonds of anonymous PM, but rather to keep all the thoughts and ideas out in the open as I ponder this:

    Credibility is, of course, absolutely important. Also, preventing it from becoming a pro-JW site by being overrun by Dubs is also a concern.

    Maybe by carefully restricting the membership, and allowing only members to have "edit" privleges, would address this?

    The other thing to keep in mind is that even with the site in its present state, it totally lacks credibility in the eyes of the most important audience: active Dubs (I know it's hard to believe, but you should see some of the hate mail I occasionally receive, referring to all the stuff "I" say on my site, and how it is all "lies"). That being the case, I wonder if I have anything to loose, in terms of credibility? Again, assuming that a carefully controlled WIKI does not result in a flood of useless info, but rather an improved site with better cross-linking, more scans of older material, etc.

    I don't know, I still have decided yet.

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