Being disfellowshipped is really the best status for a Witness. I can go to meetings but I don't have to talk to anybody. I can drink and smoke and gamble and have sex without having to worry about being disfellowshipped. I don't have to worry about studying for meetings and mapping out answers to printed questions. I never have to do microphone duty or get called on to pray. I can pick up literature but I don't have to go in service.
I don't have to wear a tie to meetings:-) I can buy a two door car. I can vote, take any medical treatment I want, and I can have worldly friends. I can listen to rock music and get a Mohawk haircut. If the elders ask to speak to me, I can just keep walking:-)
Being disfellowshipped is really the best status for a Witness.
by garybuss 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LMAO@garybus --- You forgot the best thing about it is you can miss meetings without getting shepherding calls. you can raise your hand at the WT study and nobody will call you to answer .Noone will ask you to pay for the CO visit to the cong or to use your home for church reasons . You can wear what you want to the meetings should you attend only because you heard something on the apostate board that sounded contaversial and want a better look at the situation.
You forgot the best thing about it is you can miss meetings without getting shepherding calls
Sorry, heathen, but the official WTS policy is that the elders make calls on all DF'd ones once a year to see if they want to come back. Most elders aren't that diligent though, so....
km 9/99 7 Announcements ***
The elders are reminded to follow through on instructions given on pages 21-3 of the April 15, 1991, Watchtower, regarding any disfellowshipped or disassociated ones who may be inclined toward becoming reinstated.*** w91 4/15 21 Imitate God's Mercy Today ***
But may the elders themselves take any initiative in approaching a disfellowshipped person? Yes.Former friends and relatives might hope that a disfellowshipped one would return; yet out of respect for the command at 1 Corinthians 5:11, they do not associate with an expelled person. They leave it to the appointed shepherds to take the initiative to see if such a one is interested in returning.
Heathen, When I walked away, they didn't bother to call on me for 9 years:-) When they did finally call on me, I gave then 10 questions I wanted them to get answers to for me. Another 9 years past without hearing back from them so I called one of em to see how they were doing on my questions:-)
The reason they did not bother with me, was they were too busy studying with my sons and trying to get my wife to divorce me. The biggest enemies of my life turned out to be my Witness relatives. The Watch Tower Inc. is a true religious Mafia, complete with hit men and closed door trials and public humiliation for victims. I wish I was making this up. -
I like that.
garybus--- That really does take alot of nerve to try and manipulate your wife to devorce you. I thought one thing they taught members was to convince their non believing spouse through loving kindness that they are missing out on something special . Adultry is the only grounds found in the bible and teachings of jesus christ for a devorce .
Undaunted Danny
I stopped shaving,no more IBM suit look.Keep all my money,I can post here using my real identity.Got me a website i'am making some JW perps squirm too
Gary you are a master. Hey what is better is to DA yourself you get all the perks of being DFed with out the implication of wrong doing. And technically being reproved is even better. Like I said DFing is a paper punishment. Plenty of JW in good standing are shunned, plenty of non JWs are shunned. So DFing is just an atempt to make a person shut up and never come back.
Right XQ, Many of us here have been shunned without a trial. It used to bother me. Now I look at it as a free gift:-) Hard to be pissed off over anything as funny as this turned out to be:-) What a joke on them. I am the winner and they are the losers.
They have to wear the suits and ties and study and go to m e e t i n g s and s e r v i c e and jump when the elders holler. I get to watch tv, chat, and sleep in on Saturday morning and they think "I" am being punished. LOL